How to win Free For All!

I got a good tip for you, when you play free for all you dont want to try to kill the ones you see from a long distance you just want to controll your area and take the flank if you wanna take them, because if you miss the shot the other ppl is gonna know where you are at, an other good thing is to have the weapon perk: "range" But do as dutch does in his video. He is always checking the places where he knows ppl are comming from and they try to take revenge, you got a better advantage with a shotgun in close corters combat :)
I got a good tip for you, when you play free for all you dont want to try to kill the ones you see from a long distance you just want to controll your area and take the flank if you wanna take them, because if you miss the shot the other ppl is gonna know where you are at, an other good thing is to have the weapon perk: "range" But do as dutch does in his video. He is always checking the places where he knows ppl are comming from and they try to take revenge, you got a better advantage with a shotgun in close corters combat :)

I get it now so rather than camping you basically hang around in a certain area and people tend to come back to kill you. I have noticed quite a few people doing that like on the outdoor stairs on the Resistance map.
Yes, You will eventually get alot kills while doing that, but as a new kind of "boosting" yourself ive sort of stopped playing ffa for a while, if you want to know how just tell me. It not boosting but its a smart way of getting xp :)
No! I just said that i found a new method for me and other ofcourse but i said i will stop playing ffa for a while because i found a really good way of boosting yourself. And it is allowed, i bet its meant to :S You wanna know?
You know the gametype kill confirmed? Right! So If you collect your own dog tag you will get 250 xp. so if you put a tactical insertion right where you are at then you secure the place with a bouncing betty or a claymore then you kill ppl like you normally do, but when you die you can easily pick up tyour own dog tag and get some free xp and repeat.
That's sort of frowned upon, but at least you're not literally boosting, lol. :P
But yeah, shotguns are not a great way to get a lot of kills, you really need to level it up to level 26 in order to have a decent shotgun that can kill a guy more than 10 feet away. You're really gimping yourself when you use a shotgun.