How To Promote Your YouTube Videos

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Nicely written article, my question is for the social networking part of it, for facebook you can only have so many actual friends, and so the views are limited to couple of hundred views max per post, twitter also requires large following, so how do these big channels do it?
I guess this article could need some update. The images are gone and video responses have been retired.

A good way to promote tutorials is yahoo answers.
Hello There!,
This thread has been created to show you how to promote your videos to get exposure/traffic to your YouTube Videos!


One of the best ways to promote your YouTube videos is through Facebook, whether it be a personal account or a fan page, Facebook is one of the best sources of Mass Traffic, mainly because of the 800 Million monthly users.
If you wish to receive traffic to your YouTube videos then you should start up a Facebook Fanpage, and drive your friends/viewers to it. Everytime you upload a video, post a link to it on the fan page. This will generate some exposure, because it will go onto all of your fans walls, so they will see it.
Now, if you do not want the hassle of having to update the page regularly then you should just post links to your videos when you are on your personal Facebook accounts, doing so can bring a lot of views, since when they comment/like your status it will show up on some of their friends news feeds, which will then give you some exposure.



Twitter is the second most used social network, so it therefore can produce masses or views towards your videos.
First of all you will want to create a twitter account and get your friends and fans to follow you. Once you have got enough followers, you should start to send links to your videos so that people will then watch them, and some will re-tweet your post (meaning their followers will also see it, giving you more exposure)



Creating video responses can benefit you and the person that you are responding to, because everyone who watches their video will be able to see your video underneith, which means that they could click on it, this will benefit you because you will be receiving some extra views that you otherwise wouldn't be receiving. The benefits for the user that you are reponding to, are that when people watch your video they will see a link to their video, which will give them some more views if one of your viewers clicks on the link.


Using Reddit is another good way to promote your YouTube video's. Reddit is a source for what is new and popular on the internet. By posting your content to this site users will be able to vote "up" or "down" your video. The more "up" votes that you get will determine your position towards the front page which will lead to more promotion for your video's. Once people start to like your content they will most likely visit your channel and subscribe!
Warning: Reddit users do not like a lot of "shameless self promotion" so make sure you browse the sites content and join the community before pouring your content in there
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untitled-1-jpg.879 is the forum you are reading this on now and is the ultimate community to promote your videos on whether your a gamer, a comedian, a musician or a vlogger, we have a massive and diverse community where you can help each other out and promote your videos at the same time.

If you are wanting to promote at YTtalk make sure to also watch and become involved in the community, that is the best way to promote on the forums, get to know the members and join in and reap the rewards of being an active member.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped!,
Michael Carlyle
YTtalk Moderator
thanks man :)
awesome guide! so far facebook has been working awesome for us and now we are trying twitter. Going to have to try the video response too sounds like it will give good interaction
awesome guide! so far facebook has been working awesome for us and now we are trying twitter. Going to have to try the video response too sounds like it will give good interaction

The old video responses arent available now, this guide is a little outdated with being written so long ago but you can leave your link in a comment on the video you are responding to or ask the uploader to link to your response in their description and you do the same for them.
ohhhh thats why i never see video responses anymore....was wondering what happened to them lol. thats a good alternative then we will try that. Thanks a lot for clearing this up.
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