How to get: Views & Subs *EASILY EXPLAINED*

I have used all the tips I can find and still I don't have a lot of exposure on youtube or social media. But there are good tips here in this thread. ☺
Awesome post!! Really cool you are able to share the chrome extension with us ~~
We all know what we have to do now...Peace Peeps ^^
I recommend adding in an end card/end slate to gain more views/subs. It's to thank the viewer for watching your video and to have him/her check out your other videos and subscribe to your channel. It can be as easy as making it from MSPaint, photoshop, MS PowerPoint & Adobe Premiere Elements.
This was a great read. Very informative and helpful! I've honestly never been on Reddit and have no idea how to use it. That will have to be my next endeavor. >.<