How to get not just subs, BUT FANS

I like this take on channel growth. Sometimes I feel people treat subs as the most important thing, using competitions and spam to grow a mediocre channel. A focus on content and community should be your priority.
I really only did my vids just for a fun to see would they get alot of views or whatever. But with my new album out on iTunes i started putting a lot of time into making some of the music videos etc so this time round I would like to see them get more viewI'm just not sure what way to go about it though. :)
One thing I think I struggle with is being myself. Idly but like whn I'm finished with a video a few days later ill look at it nd I feel it doesn't portray who I am. I just can't seem to get across who I think I am or maybe that is me idk! Any advice.?
One thing I think I struggle with is being myself. Idly but like whn I'm finished with a video a few days later ill look at it nd I feel it doesn't portray who I am. I just can't seem to get across who I think I am or maybe that is me idk! Any advice.?

Let's name three famous people: John Lennon, Obama aaaaand Justin Bieber. What do they all have in common? They aren't soft, like clay... changing their opinion to fit the mould, to fit with what society wants. They break the mould, and that's what makes them famous. John Lennon professed about peace and love, and loads of hippies started loving him. Obama shared his political views, and loads of democrats started loving him. Justin Bieber, through his songs and style, got loads of teenage girls loving him. But for every hippie that had a John Lennon poster there was a stuck up old timer that hated him. For every Democrat that had an Obama sticker on their window there will be a Republican wanting to tear it down. For every teenage girl that has the Biebs as their phone background, there will be a teenage boy commenting on the internet about how gay he is. See the thing is, in order to be yourself, you're not gonna please everybody: it's impossible. And if you do try to appeal to everyone in general, people will see you're fake, like how you see yourself in your videos. Harsh, but true. You just have to focus on being you. Don't try and be like other youtubers. I know they can be very inspiring and inspiration is a huge part of it, but when it comes to making your videos just look at yourself. Creating videos is an art, and art is about being you.
Cheers dude gave me alot of stuff to think about,

just a quick question, do you think adwords is good to help promote or is it a waste of time. Also I've wrote a detailed description and I've included a lot of relevent tags but I just don't seem to be getting many views. Do you know a good ay to up my views.

I find it very helpful. In the other hand, it is still very difficult, to get subscribers/audience, especially for people who make tutorials. Nevertheless, thank you for that tips :D