
ApexTV Makes Top 10 Videos!
When it comes to YouTube video marketing, Google Plus is one of, if not the best, marketing tool. If you want to get some viewers to your video, share it on Google Plus. I'm not talking about simply pasting the video link and hitting the share button, but rather joining what are called communities. Communities on Google+ are super useful as many of them are targeted to a specific audience. In your case, you make [insert the the of videos you make here] videos so go to Google plus and join as many [insert the the of videos you make here] communities as you can and share a few of your videos. We have successfully gotten over 100,000 views on a video using this method, but it is important not to spam to unrelated communities. Also make sure the communities you are sharing the videos to allow YouTube videos, most do. Hope this helps!
Google+ has definitely helped me tonnes with me videos - it's amazing when people share them too!
Right now I am trying this method as I am an Lper but I am not getting any luck with it. I have joined various promotion communities ,gaming communities and communities for the specific games. I only share things with them once in a while with no luck. If there is a video out there showing the proper way to do It, I'd be really glad and that would help me a lot. A lot of the tutorials out there I have watched does not cover it properly. Or I may be doing it wrong :(
Thanks for the tip, but it's probably not gonna work for my type of content. I checked a few months ago and found about 3 "sketch comedy" communities but they looked like spam communities, no discussion. :hungover2:

But I'm glad to hear it's working for other people. :thumbsup2:
I'd love a video too (btw, nice job copy/pasting our PM haha).

I'm 25 years old and literally feel like I'm a 70+ year old using Facebook the first time. Google+'s user experience/interface is one of the WORST I have ever seen or experienced. I have no idea where to even BEGIN to start with how to post stuff to communities, let alone find these.
I'd love a video too (btw, nice job copy/pasting our PM haha).

I'm 25 years old and literally feel like I'm a 70+ year old using Facebook the first time. Google+'s user experience/interface is one of the WORST I have ever seen or experienced. I have no idea where to even BEGIN to start with how to post stuff to communities, let alone find these.
I second that I really hate the layout of it. For me the white background is so ugly and unappealing I remember before YouTube was sold to Google how nice front pages were. They need some camp guy to renovate the look and interface I think.
I second that I really hate the layout of it. For me the white background is so ugly and unappealing I remember before YouTube was sold to Google how nice front pages were. They need some camp guy to renovate the look and interface I think.
Oh yeah. And did you guys hear about the new Google Plus. The new version is so simplified that it's actually hard to use. They aren't forcing it on us yet.[DOUBLEPOST=1452562363,1452562267][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd love a video too (btw, nice job copy/pasting our PM haha).

I'm 25 years old and literally feel like I'm a 70+ year old using Facebook the first time. Google+'s user experience/interface is one of the WORST I have ever seen or experienced. I have no idea where to even BEGIN to start with how to post stuff to communities, let alone find these.
Haha. I thought it was worthy of letting the world know. I may make a video on it in the near future, but I agree that the layout sucks. You can also share your videos to forums that allow YouTube video sharing, it has also helped us tons.[DOUBLEPOST=1452562386][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm in the process of updating my Google+ profile now!
Sounds good![DOUBLEPOST=1452562434][/DOUBLEPOST]
Could you make a video about this lol i havent even touched google plused so I am extremely new
We may make a video on this in the near future but you can also share your videos to forums that allow YouTube video sharing. Good luck![DOUBLEPOST=1452562545][/DOUBLEPOST]Yeah, but Reddit has also brought in a lot of viewers to our channel. I think this month, out of our total 140,000 monthly views, 200 of them cane from Reddit while a couple thousand came from Google Plus. Good luck with your channel!
Thanks for the tip! gonna try this out because Reddit, is a scary, scary place... >.> *Shutters*
Thanks for the tip, but it's probably not gonna work for my type of content. I checked a few months ago and found about 3 "sketch comedy" communities but they looked like spam communities, no discussion. :hungover2:

But I'm glad to hear it's working for other people. :thumbsup2:
It's true that it doesn't work for all types of videos but if your sketches are comedy related you can share them there. Also, there are tons of YouTube communities on Google Plus so anyone with any type of channel can share their videos there. Good luck!