How to get Channel to Rank Better?

Number of views, likes and watch-time does play a factor, so generally it will take a bit of time for all of these to build up and take effect. The more "Logan Reynolds" is stated on your channel and videos, the higher it will rank.

As you upload more videos with "Logan Reynolds" as a tag, the higher you should rank
My channel used to be with special characters, prompting me to change it into something else.
When I did, I wasn't the first to appear when searched for. Heck, I didn't appear on the second - fifth page!

Give your channel time, you'll soon become the first to appear when being searched, especially if the other channels that has the same name as you are inactive. (The ones that had the same name as me were all inactive)
As they said, posting your video with your channel name, tags and description, also channel tags.
Hey, so whenever I try to search my channel on Youtube, despite me being the channel with the most subscribers (name is Logan Reynolds, with a space), I still keep getting stacked below another Youtuber with the same name as me (Logan Reynolds) with less subscribers and my old experimental Vlog channel (which only had 46 subs and has been inactive for months)

How can I get MY current channel to actually be at the top when people search for "Logan Reynolds"?

And is ranking by total amount of views or by subscriber count?

Thanks :)
Try the vid iq and tubebuddy tags it helps. i just starded with a new youtube channel. any tips on where to get new subcribers?