How to Get back into Youtube?


Loving YTtalk
Hello! I recently decided to return to youtube after a long hiatus (due to school and after school activities leaving me with hardly any time to do personal activities) and was wondering how best to start back up. I recently re branded as part of my return but is there anything else I can do?
I'm currently in same situation as you and all I say is "I will make a new video Tommorow" and Tommorow never comes.

Just sit down and force yourself to make a video about anything and before you know it, your creating again :).
Hello! I recently decided to return to youtube after a long hiatus (due to school and after school activities leaving me with hardly any time to do personal activities) and was wondering how best to start back up. I recently re branded as part of my return but is there anything else I can do?
JUST DO IT! Make some videos and post them! You will hopefully find some fun in it as you did before!

I must agree with some of the other guys; build a schedule that you know you can stick to and start :D

I basically wrote a schedule that means I film in the week, edit over the weekend and then I publish on Mondays.

I recently came back after like a year and a half hiatus. I've found it quite disheartening, but it's important to keep at it :)
Thank all of you for your advice. Will definitely set up a schedule and get back to making content that I do enjoy.