How should I record?

koalafied gamers

Loving YTtalk
I thought i would just be ok to start off with the theatre, but i need longer games where i can practise commentating and will help me become bigger. I am currently on Xbox as the Pc has not got the best specs to record and play games.
Most game commentators don't get big because of the quality of their footage or gaming skill, but because they're charismatic speakers. Practicing commentating is the biggest step for you now, so don't worry too much about what types of games you play. In fact, try commentating to tetris to see how long you can keep an interesting conversation going with yourself. :)
I have found something called 'Bandicam, it is good quality, free and audio is ok. Just done another video if you want to see results.
I have decided to risk it and buy myself a £15 capture card that reviews say is good for a first capture card buy. It will come in the next few days and i will post to give my opinion.