How replying to comments = SUCCESS

Thanks for this! I definitely agree with you and keeping up with comments definitely allows you to have a more consistent viewer-ship and overall a more pleasant experience :)
I completely agree with the fact that interacting with your viewers can be beneficial to a channel in many ways, especially if you want them to enjoy your content. I may not be the best person to say this tho, the few subs I have don't really comment yet, heh.
I notice a lot of bigger Youtube channels don't comment a lot to their viewers. I use to think it was because their stuckup and don't care, but these guys have 1000+ comments. I can now understand why they wouldn't but for smaller channels it's good to comment and interact to build an audience and show people you care. Good Post!
My subs are rising and the views are coming in but I don't have a majorly active commenting fan base. I'm thinking in not engaging the audience enough which is why I plan to do random vloggs alongside my gaming so I can do thankyous and give extra info and speak more directly to people.
But to those few who do comment I allways reply as I majorly appreciate the time they've taken to write in -- even if it's not that long. :)
I always try to respond to every comment because I think that interacting with people is a good thing :)