How quick is to earn money?


New Member
First of all, let me introduce myself.

I am a 27 year old animator who just got graduated from art school and is actively searching for a job. Until then I'm going to use Youtube as my main source of income.

Say, suppose I made my first animation which made 100k views in a month, 40k of them were monetized with half of the viewers from US. My main concern is the CPM module. I don't want to post a video and end up only earning $0.19 for a video I worked hard for. I want it to at least pass the threshold within a month and this is what I'm expecting for my first video. but I don't know whether it's possible or not with the current algorithm.

Share your experience with us.
I would say that it has been done, but that it is highly unlikely to happen unless you are a marketing genius. From what I remember when I first started, unless the video goes viral or you have an audience somewhere that you can post the video to, it's hard to get the first few videos any traction from YouTube for several months. They can get traction later and become an important asset to your channel's views, but it's rare for that to happen initially.

Also, the income of YouTube is kind of low and unpredictable/unreliable. I have close to 180k views a month, but make about $30.00 a month. During the "ad-pocalypse" I think the lowest it dropped to was $7.00 per month. :p Granted, my figures are on the low end of the spectrum because I only do ad overlays, but even if I were doing non-skippable ads, YouTube still wouldn't pay the bills (I'd imagine I might be able to get a max of $300/month, but all those ads would annoy my audience since my videos are so short...)...
On YouTube, don't aim for the money. That's where everyone crashes and burns. But if you were to get 100k views a month. it would matter on your CPM. If you just partnered with a network, your CPM is most likely .60 cents - 1.20$. Which means from the 100k views, you made 60 - 120$. If you aren't partnered, YouTube will pay you a CPM of 1$ Most people have to reach a minimum of 50k views a day (Anywhere from 50$ - 300$) in order to survive, but even that's a bit iffy.

Also related to the Adpocalypse, I have a thread in YouTube Tips or whatever the forum is called on how to bypass that if you're struggle with that! :)

So in short. Suga Daddy > YouTube :)

Hope this helped
Say, suppose I made my first animation which made 100k views in a month

Is that what you really think your first video will achieve? 100k views per month? Do you have any experience of trying to grow a Youtube channel (any channel) ? I think you're going to be in for a shock at how hard it is to grow a channel, even if your content is amazing.

For a brand new channel, a first video is unlikely to get more than 3,000 views. That's based on 100 views per day. The only exception to that would be if you already had an online presence / following that you could advertise your videos to.
Yeah, how mature. You two have fun here. I'll be waiting here for mature and experienced people.

I thought there´s a lot of experienced and mature people here! We are just cracking jokes, there´s no harm here, at least from what I could tell! Of course, everyone doesn´t like the same jokes.
But to go to the topic, doing youtube won´t be quick money!