How much subs did you get in your first month?

I think I got more in my first month than in any other month. Mostly from getting friends and family to subscribe to me. Posting on social media and whatnot. We had to do goals for a health class, so I decided to start making YouTube videos (I'd wanted to make them for a few years already), so that motivated me and got me started in getting subscribers.
Like 4 in first month when I was making tech videos. Decided not to promote to my FB friends till I reach 100 subs or so.
I think I only got 2 in the first month. I wasn't trying to promote my channel back then, I didn't even tell anyone about it. I really wasn't taking it very seriously back then.
Today is my first month (started 12th February) and I am currently sitting at 143 (shows 141 on my channel). I probably got lucky on my first month, but I hope I can keep gaining when I start pumping out more content
94, but I think most of them were from friends/family that wanted to support me vs actual gained subs! XD