How much do you make as a fullscreen partner?

Hello all. i am currently at 1,448 subscribers and have been under the fullcreen partnership for almost a month as of the 5th (friday) and was just wondering how much fullscreen pays you because i never got that information when i was accepted and neither in my contract.. also, is it rue that they won't send out your earnings until a minimum of 2 months since you've been on the contract and only send out your money in $100 intervals and no less? Please help me! i'm really looking forwrd to when i get paid!

Please don't hesitate to check out my channel below!

Size of the channel and volume of the video views can be on your side when negotiating split, but i do not think (just my opinion) you get a lower CPM because you have lower traffic on your videos.

There been posted quite a bit of times those things what really matters and affect your CPM rates: your Channel / videos viewers country/location, your channel topic/category, the level of ads demand on your topic/category at the present time. There are probably even more things that influence CPM but i do not know them :)

Regarding payments: as i imagine your March earnings will be sent to you on the end of April or on start of May month
(if you collected 100$+ till the end of March)
Please someone correct me on this payment thing that i stated if im wrong...