How much are you making from fullscreen?

You're not allowed to talk about how much you're getting from a network, but maybe you can ask your friends, maybe they'll tell you anyway lol.
yep , you shouldn't talk about or ask what you earn .... but lots of people do , so with 5000 views a day ... about 3500 of that monetized ... $ 2-3 cpm , depending on many factors ... network gets there cut 20-40 % ... the rest for you ... do the math
Glad to see that most everyone knows not to discuss their earnings. This also goes for revenue splits. Thanks.

Social Engagement Strategist
Sorry about that, I must not of read that part of the contract. My apologies. Thanks for letting me know guys :)
Predictions, even with view data, are impossible. Earnings vary based on demographics, time of year, etc.

You should get "Daily Estimated Earnings" within the Fullscreen Dashboard much sooner. It's the "All-time Revenue" that takes a long time because it's your actual earnings, not estimates.

Pro Tip: Email support [AT] and ask them to enable Earning Reports in your YouTube dashboard.

Hope that helps and good luck!
Good looking out on that pro tip just did that!