How long did it take you to reach 100 subs

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it took me about 3 months but i credit that towards the server i joined where everyone had more subs then me and in return i got some of their subs. I think the best way to get subs is to network. find other youtubers that you have something in common with and you guys will benefit form each other
Depends on your content and advertisement of it tbh... On my first YT account I reached 100 in less than 3 weeks, on my second current one I reached 100 in around 3 or 4 months, but that was my fault due to a hiatus .
I think I remember sitting at like 20 or less with an inactive channel for a year. It shot up to 100 relatively fast when I began uploading people's requests weekly. The trade-off of burning myself out aside.
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