How is the Coronavirus affecting your channel? Let's Compare notes!

absolutely feeling a sort of mixture of a potential coppa algo change to just lower reccomendations for cartoon/animations, along with a massive drop in revenue by ad companies spending less or nothing while they try and save.

this literally couldn't be better for Disney plus, whos competitor is youtube animation, and it costs them nothing to throw their films online.
I usually have videos scheduled a month in advance, so no worries on content yet. I have not seen any real difference in my views or revenue. I have done 2 vids about the lockdown we have here (been a pretty serious lockdown in the Philippines), and both of those got the yellow icon for 'limited' ad suitability. So I will not do any more about the virus.
I have done 2 vids about the lockdown we have here (been a pretty serious lockdown in the Philippines), and both of those got the yellow icon for 'limited' ad suitability. So I will not do any more about the virus.

I was wondering about this. I am about the make a series to help people through this time. I was wondering how YT is handling the CV19 crisis.
my views are down about 30% from last month revenue is down about 35%. I would have thought they would have picked up with more people home but so goes the youtube rollercoaster
My latest video broke 2k views in roughly 12 hours after being uploaded. Just a month ago, I'd be happy if my new videos got to 2k in the first 30 days after being uploaded.

I'm getting a lot more impressions from YT Homepage than before. As a result, the channel is getting flooded with ~150% more passive views (the ones that come in after the initial surge of traffic every time I publish a new video) now than just 30 days ago.

I did notice my CPMs fluctuating much more erratically recently, but the rollercoaster seems to be coinciding with relatively significant spikes in traffic every time I upload a new video. Spike in views = up to 50% lower CPMs.

Still, with 4x more traffic coming in overall, I'm earning more than just a month ago. I guess I'm just one of the dumb-lucky ones in this whole chaos and mess. I don't know how long I'll keep getting pushed by the algorithm, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.