How do you keep yourself motivated?


Active Member
I have tried to start a YouTube channel before, actually this is my 3rd attempt...
It went from hey this seems like a fun idea to getting bored and sad that I was getting basically no views except from a friend liking it and well myself.

This time around I have decided to be more into it, such as making a lot more videos, with different games to play( Yes I do finish off the ones I start), yet I know it is a slow growing process at first, but sometimes it just gets to me... For example today I have spent about 5 hours recording editting and uploading to get little views...

Most of them probably being my clicking on my channel. Like right now I have just finished off recording the finale to my First Minecraft series ( OMG MINECRAFT OMG LOL SO MANY OF THEM) I done quite well even have content within it that made me laugh even though I created it... Yet I know when I put it up onto YouTube, no one will see it well maybe one or two.

I'm not saying Blah blah pity me, cause I know many YouTubers go through the same...

But how do you keep yourself Motivated?
Have you tried walking on Hot Coals Barefoot this will get you going :) im a NOOB but I would assume you have to be careful not to get stressed and try to enjoy what your doing.
I guess it is this YouTube dream of being big to be honest. Plus I would love it for a full time job because NO WAY I AM WORKING ON A BUILDING SITE!!! (I'm 14 and still at school)
I don't think I wanna be walking on Hot coals any time soon! But yeah that is true!

And yeah I woul dlvoe it to be my job, but at the same time it's weird, I'm not in it for that, I'm in it to entertain people... Yet it's strange cause you can't really have one without the other :p
It's hard to keep motivated with low views, it's fair to say that I'm no longer motivated to have youtube as this life goal, more as this hobby that I do occasionally
I think... you need to change your perspective. I have made some vlogs that I thought were total classics, just grand slam knockouts, and 60 of my subscribers have seen them, and the other 350 just didn't click it for some reason. And yeah, you think "well what was the point of that?" But it dawned on me. If I just keep putting out videos, picking trendy topics, growing at the rate I'm growing, eventually I will be getting legitimate views with a whole new bunch of people in my audience. What's to stop me from then making a recap video with links to some of my favorites that didn't get many views? Who's to say they won't view them then? Just cause it didn't get viewed right out the gate, doesn't mean you can't get it viewed later :)
But how do you keep yourself Motivated?
I am in a planning, vision casting and learning stage right now. I do want to hit it hard and make a lot more videos, but I don't want to jump back in before I am ready to keep releasing new videos on a very steady basis!

I am pretty encouraged by the fact that, even though my top three videos are three years old the views they have been getting steady views and don't seem to be slowing down any. In fact a recent batch of comments on them, and a request for a new related video, is what got me started thinking about getting back in the game!
When you go from extreme boredom to being productive it's a lot like trying to start a car after it hasn't moved or even been started for a very long time, it's going to take a while.

I basically got myself into a routine of uploading every two weeks, the video going up on Tuesday is already up now, I just need to make it public. I'm currently designing the vido that will be up in 3 weeks time. The idle mind made me suicidal, true boredom made me feel so useless that I just though "Let's end it", but I just got into a routine. With a routine and a deadline I just fell right into it and I'm having a hell of a lot of fun.

I'd recommend not looking at your views for a while, make the best content you can and advertise yourself all over the place. Put your video as a video reponse to someone who's more popular than you and with the same topic. Send your videos out in mass messages.

It took me 3 years to find out what I'm good at, in 2009 when I was a dumb 16 year old I did atrocious vlogs (I made them very badly) until early 2011, then I started Gaming until I found that wasn't for me. Now I do cartoons about things I enjoy. I have a notepad file of video ideas that is getting very full. I'm pretty much stocked for the next 7 months.
Yeah, I don't know how to answer your main question, lately I've had motivation coming out the wazoo, with new ideas hitting me at a rate I can hardly keep up with, I'd have to feel unmotivated to know how to fix it lol.. Maybe refuel like I was saying to that other guy, if you start getting bored with your channel, don't think about it and watch other channels till you feel inspired?