How do you guys find the time.

As a lot of you out there! i work 6 days a week for around 8-10 hours a day!

now i dont know what type of schedule you have for your channel! but for me with 2 videos a week, i work to it after my daily job. i tend to get my recording done in one day (3-4 hours after work plus some editing) and use the rest of the time i have to finish the editing. Now this might have screwed up my social life a bit, but if you love doing it. its worth it.

as the time passes you will find it a lot easier to do and probably get faster in it.
I tend to do wait untile the weekends or an evening in the week after my wife and children have gone to bed and then I jump onto my laptop.
I do all the nitty gritty “ small“ things(talk to the community, posting on social media) on my comute to and from work and in my lunch break. I hardly watch any tv anymore and I film on the weekend (planned and scheduled) i film a month a head giving enough time to edit. Ive pretty much planned all my video multiple months before hand. I dont focus to much on the numbers so as not to be dissappointed and thats why I still enjoy it and like putting in the work :)
The thing that's worked out for me so far, is setting aside time specifically for recording and for editing. But I separate the two.
I'm a huge planner and literally record every 'to do' in a fancy planner I got for myself. It helps me manage my 'free time' and keep me from feeling overwhelmed. So I book periods of time to records and then periods of time for editing.
I've also started just taking my camera with me wherever I go. Juuuuust in case something happens that's noteworthy and could be changed into a video.

Just to piggyback off this, I stay most organized in my computer and other devices, so I found blog planners on pinterest, went into libreoffice (cuz i don't have word), tweaked them to my liking, and used them to make schedules for recording and uploading, a document for my description box (it's helped me get way closer to the 5,000 char max (I used to only reach, like, 160, I was bad at descriptions)), planned around my most empty days (or times of days) and just bought a small "emergency /backup" travel digicam bc my older one is huge and heavy, and I don't want to just film in my room all the time anymore. Which reminds me, I need to buy a new Webcam since my old one died on me.

Now, I just don't make any excuse. Forgot to mention I downloaded a calendar app (separate from the native icalendar bc I don't want to clog that one up, I'll never check it if I do...and I don't mess with that one for more than family birthdays, anyway), where I log which days I'm supposed to shoot and/or edit +upload (I keep those days separate so I don't overwhelm myself). The only thing I'll move around is which type of video I'll shoot depending on my available sunlight, since that's mostly what I get to work with where I live.

No use filming a makeup look if no one can see it, so then I'll probably just do a stoytime or trevor, but it stays pretty dark / cloudy around here, I won't be able to not shoot all winter if I care about my channel (oc, I do, otherwise I wouldn't be doing the most with this post rn).

I hope any of that can help you. I understand it's far more of a challenge for you, working 50 hours a week, this is just what helps me stay on track. I've only recently implemented these methods but they're working like a charm.

I'll need to be more diligent come vlogmas, though. I won't be able to just set aside a day to edit :/ hth?
I feel your pain. I purchase props/materials, build a miniature set, film, edit, and voice over every week while working a full time job. And the worst part is, I can only film my reptile buddies from 7:30am - 7:30pm because they fall asleep. I usually keep my sanity by keeping a consistent schedule:

Make list of props/materials for next weeks episode, buy props/materials.

Script editing

Set Building

Set Building/Filming


Final Edits/Compression/Post This Weeks Video/Script Writing

I'm struggling only doing one episode a week but it definitely helps to have a consistent schedule. If I do any social media work, I try and do it on lunch at work or late at night every day.