How do you guys find the time.


Active Member
So i was just wondering how does everyone find the time to make their channel grow. I have a Job I work 50 + hours at a week and struggle to keep up on engaging other channels and platforms. I feel like it is another full time job. How do you guys manage to do this and stay motivated?
I actually struggle with the same thing. I work 50+ hours a week with both of my jobs combined. But I also cut into my sleep or do nothing else but edit/film on my days off. If at all possible I also create a back log of videos for the weeks that I don't have time to film/record/edit anything. That way I can still upload a quality video even if something possibly comes up. =]

Hope that helps. =]
The thing that's worked out for me so far, is setting aside time specifically for recording and for editing. But I separate the two.
I'm a huge planner and literally record every 'to do' in a fancy planner I got for myself. It helps me manage my 'free time' and keep me from feeling overwhelmed. So I book periods of time to records and then periods of time for editing.
I've also started just taking my camera with me wherever I go. Juuuuust in case something happens that's noteworthy and could be changed into a video.
In a way, you have to make time. I work over 10 hour shifts, but even then you have to make some time before or after work to do some editting. I try to film on my days of, so I can just edit little bits every day. I'm actually making backlog right now, because I was able to film two videos in a day and I do vlogging. I guess it also depends on your type of videos. But yeah, you have to make time and try to work ahead :)
Think the key is planning like Jamie Lee Bones said. I'm having a hard time with it myself, but I try to plan in a certain amount of time each day to be active on facebook groups, forums and youtube channels, ...
I'll record my game footage and prepare as much as I can during the week so I can edit during the weekend
I actually struggle with the same thing. I work 50+ hours a week with both of my jobs combined. But I also cut into my sleep or do nothing else but edit/film on my days off. If at all possible I also create a back log of videos for the weeks that I don't have time to film/record/edit anything. That way I can still upload a quality video even if something possibly comes up. =]

Hope that helps. =]
I feel your pain it sounds like my week exactly
So i was just wondering how does everyone find the time to make their channel grow. I have a Job I work 50 + hours at a week and struggle to keep up on engaging other channels and platforms. I feel like it is another full time job. How do you guys manage to do this and stay motivated?

You are totally not alone my friend. Honestly, I feel relieved knowing that I'm not the only one that struggles with this.

I too work a lot of hours. I'm a software engineer during the day. Honestly, I just have to make the time to work on my channel. I work on it almost every evening after work in some way. Whether it's getting cool advice from you guys here on this forum or editing my latest VLOG entry.

Back when I was developing my website I was up until 2:00 A.M. or later....well....earlier actually. Then I would drag myself in to work the next day to do it all over again, but I learned some super sweet web development skillZ in the process, and my website is something I'm proud of.

I would just totally like to say to all you dudes and dudettes on here that work a full time job AND do YouTube: I think you're all totally awesome. Keep doin' what you do on your channels.....whatever that may be. I hope it pays off for all of you my friends. I wish you all the success. Imma slide over and subscribe to all of your channels.

Now, lets go get famous!

Take care my dudes! :).
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Also another thing you have to think about is how can i do my videos more efficiently, what can i cut out / drop that doesn't contribute, (study what other similar channels have done to gauge this), have preset templates or plans like what sequence of shots to take etc. What used to take me 5 hrs to do i can now do it within an hour plus. Comes with practice and being consistent. Credits to Roberto Blake on this where he equated quantity = quality. It has helped me tremendously in speeding things up ^^