How do you find how much you'll make per 1mil views

I don't mean to ask a stupid question but what exactly is CPM
Cost per 1,000 monetizable views

A more accurate term is RPM, or revenue per 1,000 impressions (RPM = what you get when selling ad space, CPM = what you get when buying ad space) but YouTuber's seem stuck on CPM.

CPM is effected by a number of things, most critically your viewer demographics (language, sex, location, age, etc) but also significantly time of year.

You can find out your CPM on your youtube analytics page under the "Ad Performance" tab.
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Cost per 1,000 magnetizable views

A more accurate term is RPM, or revenue per 1,000 impressions (RPM = what you get when selling ad space, CPM = what you get when buying ad space) but YouTuber's seem stuck on CPM.

CPM is effected by a number of things, most critically your viewer demographics (language, sex, location, age, etc) but also significantly time of year.

You can find out your CPM on your youtube analytics page under the "Ad Performance" tab.

yeah this apart from its monetizable views not magnetizable :P
yeah this apart from its monetizable views not magnetizable :p
You haven't heard about the new magnetized views? They just attract the viewer into clicking on ads AND subscribing!

No wonder you guys are having trouble growing...
You haven't heard about the new magnetized views? They just attract the viewer into clicking on ads AND subscribing!

No wonder you guys are having trouble growing...

Hahaha gotta love this response :P what you put about CPM's/RPM's was spot on though.
Its hard to tell, because you dont know how many views will be monetized
You honestly have a pretty good idea if you look at past trends for your channel. While it does fluctuate, it fluctuates slowly and no very strongly. ie: You had 30% mobile views this month? next month is almost certainly going to be + or - 5% from that.

CPM on the other hand goes all over the place depending on time of year, content, etc...
Hahaha gotta love this response :p what you put about CPM's/RPM's was spot on though.

Seriously though, why the hell does the YouTube 'industry' talk in terms of CPM..? I would LOVE to know the back story behind that one.