How do YOU ask for views/subscribers

Mike Kowalski

Director of ImaginationLand
We all know the basic tips on how to gain more views and subscribers...but sometimes (at least I feel like this) you want to just go up to everyone and ask them to watch your videos?

How do you guys all do it?

I go on Facebook and message all of my friends with the link to my new video and ask them to share it if they really like it. Then I post on Twitter and some friends retweet it. It's hard to ask people to watch your videos without seeming like you're being annoying or spamming.

Anyone have any secrets they have on sharing videos (like bribing ;) or something like that)? Or is there a specific or go-to way you ask people?
I put something at the end of my video with an annotation link to my other channel and a subscribe link to the channel they are watching.
I put something at the end of my video with an annotation link to my other channel and a subscribe link to the channel they are watching.

That's a good idea

I also try to get as many connections as I can...I'm going to Boston to visit my brother this weekend and he is in the music business so he knows people who do video work and stuff like that, so I can meet them and branch out
I post the link on Twitter and Facebook, and then send that link to friends asking them to like/comment/RT.
mention it at the end of the video in text or voice or both "thanks for watching like and subscribe for more content thanks"
yea I get what you're saying...some of my videos are kind of deep meaning ones so I don't really want the whole "subscribe to my channel!" thing afterwards