quote="TheKeebzyShow, post: 118538, member: 1501"]they're essentially doing it for the money but what they don't seem to realize is that it's ******* people that work hard on youtube off that someone who doesn't even try can have the same benefits as them and eventually if they do release headers and whatever else to everyone, i'm guessing people are going to stop trying to make proper, good youtube videos because there just won't be a future in it anymore. no way to differentiate between a partner and a "full partners" accounts would make for veeeery bad promotion for the "full partners" as that header gives channels a lot of credibility, though saying all this hopefully youyube don't f8ck up that bad and give out all partner benefits to everybody. rant over xD[/quote
Haha! Lol I know what you mean. I work hard for making these youtube videos, and people that post videos of like kids having a nerf war in their backyard get the same benefits as me. I just don't see the youtube logic here. Lol