How can I lose VIEWS?!?!?!

Have you ever purchased fake subs/views? I dont have any problem with it but it will help to advise further if we know the facts.

Have I purchased views and subs? Nope. I do employ a social media manager. She does social media marketing and SEO work for me. [She's given credit as such in the endcapper.] I told her about the upcoming video wherein I win a tournament and asked her to really promote the H*ll out of it when the editor releases it. We had a lot of discussions about what she'd do for it. Additionally, I did pay others to do additional SEO work and social media marketing. When they got done, they sent me Excel files about where they promoted it. That is why I think that video did well. I haven't done that for any of my other videos and probably won't again until I win another tournament. But maybe not even then since, while that video got of lot of views and my channel got a lot of subscribers, they didn't seem to watch any of the previous or following videos except for the first one, which is another tournament I won. I can kind of understand that. People only wanting to see it when you win it, but so little carry-over to the other videos makes me wonder if it is worth it.[DOUBLEPOST=1531224259,1531223971][/DOUBLEPOST]
your signature button links to old channel though (if I got it right) and no link to new channel in description exists?

Yeah, I linked up my profile to a previous channel when I started that one up. I don't know how to switch it so it is now linked to my new channel.[DOUBLEPOST=1531224603][/DOUBLEPOST]
People that maybe clicked on it and straight off again. If so check you don't have a click bait like thumbnail.

No, I purposely didn't even give it a special title. My social media manager really really REALLY wanted me to. She wanted the video's title to be "This is how you WIN a poker tournament!". I didn't want to do that as it then gives away the ending. I didn't even make a special thumbnail for it for the same reason.
Subs maybe...but definitely not views. He has less than 10,000 views.
Like @EVO suggested, best not jump to conclusions just yet.

Seriously? Those numbers make it 100% confirmed he bought subscribers and probably a few fake views which youtube has since taken off due to no retention on those views. I really detest people that lie through their teeth. The facts are out there. If you don't see them it's because you don't WANT to see them.
Seriously? Those numbers make it 100% confirmed he bought subscribers and probably a few fake views which youtube has since taken off due to no retention on those views. I really detest people that lie through their teeth. The facts are out there. If you don't see them it's because you don't WANT to see them.

Okay, let me get this straight: you say I bought the subscribers and views. Well, if I did that why did I stop? I mean I have to get over 240,000 minutes of views as well. Why didn't I buy that as well. It isn't as if they're expensive. $5 will get you a lot on Fiverr and SEO Clerks. And on SEO Clerks alone, there are many who will get you that much watch time. So why didn't I? And why did I stop at just a 1,000/1,700? I mean why not 10,000 subs? Why didn't I do this for my old channel too? It currently only has 142 views. [It is the one that my link below links to.] Did I forget about it? Damn, I knew there was something I didn't do last month!

Here's another thing: I don't have a problem with those who do buy subs and views. 1,000 subs and 240,000 viewing minutes was and is an arbitrary number picked out of a hat by YouTube to determine who gets monetization and who doesn't. They said it was to combat fake channels but my bet is that they didn't want to waste accounting resources on small fry channels. "You have to be THIS tall to now ride this ride, folks." And because they didn't grandfather clause in those who had gained monetization under the old system (which was the case for my old channel), I think that's WAY more wrong than YouTubers going, "What?! I was monetized but now I'm not? Fine! I'll buy the requirements. Screw you YouTube!"

What I did do is what I outlined in my reply before this one. Now could some of those who I hired give me fake subs and views to prove their worth to get me to hire them again? Yeah, sure. All of them wanted me to buy their services again and many pointed to the sharp increase in subs and views to bolster their claim that they did help. Did any of them say they gave me fake subscribers and fakes views, nope. In my Fiverr ad, I specifically said "No fake subscribers or views!" in bold. But how would I know if they did or didn't? I couldn't. What did I say to them? I said that when I win the next tournament I will keep them in mind if I plan to super promote that video as well. Now everyday I get email notifications from SEO Clerks about sellers following my account there and when you click on their names, all of them are SEO/SMM experts of one type or another. I take that as they're waiting for the next time I put out a bid for promoting a future video so they can be sure to get their bid in right away and not miss out.

And here's still another thing. Why did I wait to buy these fake subscribers and views until I won a tournament? I mean I had already hired a social media manager from Fiverr and she had be working for me since video #43 and started getting public credit at video #48. Why did I then wait 38 videos before buying all these subs and views? Oh wait! I know what you're going to say. I waited until I won a tournament. Right? Damn, I'm one patient dude. Oooorrrrr that is why I hired additional help for my social media manager to get the word out about that video as something promotable. In fact, the most common sentence used in social media marketing by these helpers and my social media manager was "This is how you WIN a poker tournament!" Go ahead and google the words between those quote marks plus "Jack Decker". That is the work that my social media manager and the SEO/SMM helpers from SEO Clerks did for me. Not all of it and probably not even the majority of it. But definitely some of them as Google results show.

But, yes, I know. Regardless what I say, you know the truth and that's that.
"It isn't me buying views and subs, it's someone else"

Sorry bud, that doesn't fly. You hire, you are responsible. The fact that you have to write an essay to divert guilt tells everyone enough. Keep up the facade, everyone with half a brain knows you are the type of YouTuber that shouldn't be on the platform.
I agree with him in the sense that Youtube used Logan Paul as an excuse to screw us all. I bet they've been wanting to do this for a while and took the shot the monent Paul messed up.

I honestly would not be surprised if years down the line some documentary reveals Youtube paid Logan Paul to do what he did. I mean, it's not like he lost his channel permanently. If you think about it, Youtube wins and demonized the little guys, Logan Paul keeps his channel and rakes in revenue from the free press. Everybody wins except the small channels.
It's odd because socialblade still shows you losing some views on certain days. I could understand them auditing views but why would it continue for days on end? I would be a little careful about having staff do things to get traffic, not just real or fake but just the quality of the traffic in general. If you're paying someone you want to make sure you're getting your money's worth, and if they drive views that get audited or don't generate an organic response on your other videos I would be a bit suspicious of the quality.

By the way Jack I can sympathize with your social blade score, I privated some old videos which socialblade counted as losing 350,000 views in one day and now my ranking went from B- to D- in like 2 days hahaha. You didn't happen to private any videos recently did you?
It's odd because socialblade still shows you losing some views on certain days. I could understand them auditing views but why would it continue for days on end?

I have no clue.

I would be a little careful about having staff do things to get traffic, not just real or fake but just the quality of the traffic in general. If you're paying someone you want to make sure you're getting your money's worth, and if they drive views that get audited or don't generate an organic response on your other videos I would be a bit suspicious of the quality.

Yeah, I think I will keep my social media manager but not hire occasional help for her.

By the way Jack I can sympathize with your social blade score, I privated some old videos which socialblade counted as losing 350,000 views in one day and now my ranking went from B- to D- in like 2 days hahaha. You didn't happen to private any videos recently did you?

Nope. Not a single one. Took one out of a playlist. That's it.