Help With A Song


Happy New Year
wazzzup everyone =)

So I have a idea for a video and want to use the Saw theme song for the video... I know I can't use the original song but I think you are allowed to use a remix of the song.... If anyone would like to help me out and send me a remix of the song I will use in in my video and have your link in the description :dance:
Uploading remixes is not allowed either... You could get a strike
Really??? God dam i can never do a video the way I want without some bull.... Even though tons of YouTubers get away with it... That was the perfect song for a video i wanted to do but looks like I wont do it #alwayssomthin
Why not look for a free song that is similar... think on how many starwars parodies you have seen that use a orchestral sort of fan fare that is completely different from the starwars theme song but we all know what it is really.