Help growing my YouTube channel

Josh Nichol

New Member
Hi, I have been on YouTube for about a year and a half. I do vlogs most of the time but have been doing some gaming on the side. Side note. is it bad to do more than one thing on your channel when you are still a very small channel. I think I should also include that I am half blind or visually impaired and let nothing stop me from doing what I love which is film. I have went over 100 subs 3 times in the past few months. I am kind stuck as far as the numbers, and I know that the "number game" is nothing to be stressing about but is hard not to. If you have some amazing helpful advice would be awesome.
Have a great day

Never Give Up!
I am is the same boat, but I am slowly growing. I can say that one thing that helps is constant uploads and interaction with viewers.

Guess what I am also visually impaired. I am blind from one atleast the other one is fine.
I subscribed and check out your channel. One thing that would help you is a better mic. Keep up the good work. It's kind of funny how you are also visually impaired and that you were the first one to comment on this thing. So YOU WIN!!!!
I would change your channel art. It's alright, but i would go for something better, maybe ask someone on this site if they could make you something for free. Think of your channel art as something that portrays you and your channel. If its dull and stupidly simple, then there wont be many people who will think your videos will be good, because they feel that you haven't put effort into your channel art and won't think you put any effort into your videos either. I would also work on thumbnails as well. Your most recent video, 5 types of Youtubers, has just a still frame of the game you were playing in the background. What you should have done is made a thumbnail with, say, the number 5 and the youtube logo next to it, portraying "5 Youtubers". Hope this rant helps you.