Other Have Your Name Featured in my Organ Trail Let's Play!

Cool! ^-^

What kind of schedule do you plan to release the videos on? :)

Here's the schedule as of right now (Subject to change)

Let's Play - And Yet It Moves starts on April 26-May 1st alternating with 2 crazy taxi videos to break up that stuff.
Then its a resident evil 4 rant to top off the LP stuff so it's not too overwhelming. Basically filler.
May 3rd-5th is Season 1 starting with the people I listed for the first outing.
May 6-9th is the Season 2
May 10th-13th is Season 3 (the final one)

That's roughly the schedule. The reason I did it that way is because it gives me enough time to stagger that series too with another LP so there should always be two LP's going on at once or at least 2 coinciding series together that way they promote each other without spamming it anywhere. Get what I mean?

So it is like Monday - Let's Play X, Tuesday Let's Play Y, Wednesday Let's Play X, Thursday LP Y and so on. Then at the end I have a vlog or rant or something to basically be like that spot to give the series finality. So and give them both that extra day to be seen before I flood my channel with the next LP.

A cool idea I just thought of is to give them finality is to make a vlog about both series giving behind the scenes info (since all the commentary is acted but not scripted) on how the idea came up, what went on making it, ect to give them like that special feature you get on a DVD ya know. Plus buy me time for more stuff.
o.o That's well planned, I must say! ^-^

Well I dont want to produce the same show every day. I want each episode to have it's spotlight but at the same time not leave gaps in content. Therefore, you (the viewer/fan or whatever) have something to come see every day, but its always different. So you get double spotlight that way.

It's already all uploaded by the way so I don't have to upload daily or pay attention to it. I have 2 weeks already uploaded and it's set to scheduled (because I have YouTube partner status, somehow) that lets me say "Okay this video comes out this day, this time) so all the stuff is done, uploaded, good to go, just gotta wait til the date for YouTube to make it public. Therefore, I am always 2 weeks ahead and no rush for the video production.

Thank Jim Cornette's wrestling shoot interviews on WCW, WWF, and Ring of Honor for the idea. They would tape episodes of the live TV shows in the same day. So WWF Raw back in the 90's would tape 3-5 shows a day at an arena (same with WCW and ROH) and then release em as brand new and live. Therefore they were always ahead never behind.

I've secretly (well not anymore) been in the video production and YouTube scene since 08'. I'm just reinventing myself now as Johnny Fox so I have over 6 years experience as an entertainer that was moderately popular before.
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