Has YouTube Enhanced your life in any way?

For me at least, as an autistic that struggles with making friends in real life, streaming on twitch and youtube together have helped me make real, true friends for the first time in 10 years. I went to a small school and no one in my year was in to games at all. Being able to connect with others that shares my passion for gaming has changed my life!
It's made me a lot more conscious of how I come across online and I've also expanded my social circle as a result so I'd say it's served me pretty well so far!
Confirmed my theory that everyone hates me lol JK
In all honesty, idk maybe talking? I know that when I start consistently film videos where I'm talking to the camera, I can talk to people easier? I dunno if that makes sense.
Yes actually. I would of never met the love of my life and soon to be wife if I didn't start doing things with youtube in my life. So I will never regret my choice to take part in creation.
Yes actually. I would of never met the love of my life and soon to be wife if I didn't start doing things with youtube in my life. So I will never regret my choice to take part in creation.
That's very sweet and lovely...
Weirdly enough it has! multiple times i have sat back and thought, well what do i want to do with my life? don't want this to sound horrible or anything but i don't want to be someone who gets stuck at a dead end job or work in an office for the rest of my life, or have a 9 to 5 job and actually hate the job, youtube is so fun and yes it might be a 24/7 thing but if you enjoy it then thats something you can really work towards. I don't know what it is about youtube but for me, it feels like home :)
I can honestly say that yes, YouTube has enhanced my life dramatically! I am so happy and motivated right now. I have only been doing it for a month but it has given me so much drive and I haven't been this happy in a long time!
Yeah, I'd say so. Not only have I met a lot of nice people that share the same interests, but it's always given me something to strive to be better at. It's something I can continuously challenge myself with and be totally fine doing it.