Harlem Shake HELP!!

Yes I'm sure, how do you think everyone else has got away with it :) look at KSIs one. He's got so many views and he wouldn't risk getting a copyright :)
I'm pretty sure you just get a 3rd party match when you put it up. Which means the band pretty much gives you permission to use it but they make all the money from the ad revenue.
I'm pretty sure you just get a 3rd party match when you put it up. Which means the band pretty much gives you permission to use it but they make all the money from the ad revenue.
Could be.. But either way you don't get copyright.. You just might not make the money off the video, but I'm pretty sure the copyright was removed by the owner of the song so it could be used to make it go viral via these videos :)
Could be.. But either way you don't get copyright.. You just might not make the money off the video, but I'm pretty sure the copyright was removed by the owner of the song so it could be used to make it go viral via these videos :)
The copyright is never removed. In fact if its a 3rd party match they can at any time decide they want to ban the use of it on YouTube and everyone who has that on their channel will get a strike. That goes for any 3rd party matches.
The copyright is never removed. In fact if its a 3rd party match they can at any time decide they want to ban the use of it on YouTube and everyone who has that on their channel will get a strike. That goes for any 3rd party matches.
Good point... But I don't see why they won't decide to do that considering the amount of people that have now made videos on this. Plus maker studios did a version of it.. And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do something like that if it had copyright or 3rd party
You are infringing copyright even if you use 1 second of a materiel by someone else. There is no "minimum" I don't know where people get that idea from. I'm pretty sure the big YouTubers just have claims on their shake video I don't see how they would get permission.
It`s 6-9 seconds for fair use , so where did 30 seconds come from?

to @OP yep, it`s fine , they song isn`t copyrighted to the original owner, I think it was made with the intention of going viral....

Read, read, read:


In the US, there is a 30 second 'fair use' policy, BUT it has its loopholes and does not apply to public media, especially if you ever intend to earn revenue from it without permission to do so.

For instance, using a 10 second music clip as an intro to your podcast would probably not be classed as fair use, whereas using a 10 second snippet to critique a piece of music may be seen as fair use in copyright law. However, never assume you are covered by fair use copyright as there is no guarantee you will be safe.


When your use of music gets challenged you need a defence; having a license is always your best defence. If your defence is ‘fair use’ this will probably not be sufficient to save you in court.”
She went on to say that it is not worth the risk in nearly all cases.