Hannah, Grace and Mamrie

I like them all, as actors and as personalities. I think they have moved away, for the most part, from YouTube as a primary source of creative endeavor, which I totally understand. Grace, especially, seems to be going through the motions just to keep the channel going and her view counts kind of reflect that. Hannah seems the most invested, and Mamrie's videos are lots of fun, but she does them so rarely that they always surprise me when they show up on my feed.
I don't drink but I'm pretty sure when I met them at nofilter my brain jumped outta my head, ran to every bar/pub (I'm being inclusive here) within walking distance of the venue, stopped short of alcohol poisoning then crawled back to the venue, got back in my head and said "K (buuuuuuuurp) les du dis :wacky2:". I had no idea what to say to them and I nearly forgot to get the shirt IN MY F****** HAND signed. Best day of my life though :biggrin:
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Are there any adult fans out there of Hannah Hart, Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart? I'm a big fan of everything they do separately and collaboratively (s*** that is a word!) but I feel like most of their fans are kids. Someone restore my faith in humanity and assure me that you are a person in their late 20's to early 30's who finds these ladies as entertaining as I do!

Grace is one of the reasons Emily decided to get into YouTube...we actually watched a documentary called "Please Subscribe" a long time ago that featured Grace/Hannah and several others...pretty inspiring, then years later we decided to start our channel.

mid-late 20s here...i'm almost 30. feel like you almost HAVE to appeal to the kid/teen demo to be successful on youtube though.
Grace is one of the reasons Emily decided to get into YouTube...we actually watched a documentary called "Please Subscribe" a long time ago that featured Grace/Hannah and several others...pretty inspiring, then years later we decided to start our channel.

mid-late 20s here...i'm almost 30. feel like you almost HAVE to appeal to the kid/teen demo to be successful on youtube though.

I watched that doco. It was good, as is everything they do. I may have a mild obsession with these ladies :angel:

Your channel has captured my interest. I shall have to check it out later. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1506920068,1506919307][/DOUBLEPOST]I went all over the net trying to find a place other than Twitter or Tumblr to chat about Hannah, Grace and Mamrie but none existed. I found this place eventually which somehow is troll free which is amazing for a forum but even it didn't have a thread about them. I've been here for a few months now and I finally decided to take a leap of faith and start this thread to see if I could find some other fans. I'm glad others are poking their heads out :) I actually tried to start my own full Trinity forum before coming here. I tried a few times on a few different sites if I'm totally honest, but none of them gained much or any attention after months of trying with any of them so I kept shutting them down. I guess this is a close enough substitute though :)