Grade Vs Santoro (Plagiarism exposed)

He makes way more with this than teacher will ever make him. Also, he acts like an ******* online that would affect his teaching career. Poor judgement. He could have done exactly what he does without being so rude to people tbh.
I don't think he's a teacher anymore. He felt that his supervisor or something was not teaching the students properly, and when he approached teaching with a better method (which I believe even the kids themselves recommended or wanted) he got fired for not listening to his supervisor. Or something along those lines if I remember correctly! I think it was in one of his videos, I thought it was an interesting story..

But I agree, his anonymity might add to his sometimes overly horrible things that he says to people.. But of course we have to respect a persons privacy if they want to stay behind the screen. However, it would be interesting to know if he does this for professional reasons or just not wanting to deal with people who would recognize him on streets and in an extreme case attack him for being rude to their favorite YouTuber for example.

It's amazing how GradeA UnderA has had a huge impact on YouTube! This recent BS about Matthew Santoro and plagiarism. Matthew does 20 MILLION VIEWS A MONTH. How much of that profit is based on other people's work?

And this comment on his recent video. Thanks for looking out for him? That's like thanking a robber for robbing the bank because the vault was getting crowded...

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Ugh I really hated that response Matt posted, it's pinned on his twitter page too.. it's just horrible and I like your analogy XD He responded to Grade directly on Twitter too, saying Grade made valid points and he will cite all his sources. And made a video saying he'll go back to fix it. This really should have been done from the beginning, but at least he's doing something.
He hasn't really addressed that he practically reads stuff verbatim, which many people have revealed. It's still plagiarism if you cite your sources but still copy them word for word LOL.
And he's apologizing more to us, than to people he "ripped off" like Listverse!

I watched this one video in particular where it showed him reading almost verbatim topics from the "Today I Learned" subreddit XD I don't think this a super reputable source, and I know when I have watched his videos before I assumed they were from online reputable sources. But I guess he isn't writing a Master's thesis or something, so maybe reddit's fine :P
He always knew that he should cite his sources. He's only doing it now because of the heat that he is receiving. Integrity should always be first! Giving him props for finally owning up to stealing other people's work for over a year is ridiculous.

It's better to admit you were caught red handed vs ignoring or denying what is being said against you. It's much easier to choose the latter and YouTube is filled with people who decide to go that route.

I'm not giving him props for stealing, but for being adult enough to right a wrong.
It's better to admit you were caught red handed vs ignoring or denying what is being said against you. It's much easier to choose the latter and YouTube is filled with people who decide to go that route.

I'm not giving him props for stealing, but for being adult enough to right a wrong.

I don't think so. He faked some sources.
I've been following this....and...well there's really only so many ways you can tell certain facts. But, I must say, the example Grade A gave was obviously too close to the source material...and he even placed the names in the same order. So yeah, he definitely should have listed his source for that video. Santoro has since come out and apologized, and now cites all of his sources in the description. I don't agree with plagiarism. There's nothing cool about stealing someone else's work and casting it off as your own :/

I find it really funny though.....if Santoro had stayed out of all the 'Youtube Drama', it would have never gotten Grade's attention, and he wouldn't be the focus of more drama. It's just a lesson to learn, that if you can avoid it, you should avoid it O_O.

I've been keeping an eye on his dislike ratio...for a while there, there were a ton of dislikes. It seems to have died down a bit now, although, there are still a significant amount more than what he used to have.
I don't think this will ruin Matthew Santoro, he'll bounce back and people will forget about this in a week (and more than likely probably already have)
I've been keeping an eye on his dislike ratio...for a while there, there were a ton of dislikes. It seems to have died down a bit now, although, there are still a significant amount more than what he used to have.
I don't think this will ruin Matthew Santoro, he'll bounce back and people will forget about this in a week (and more than likely probably already have)

LOL ... DramaAlert will bring up the topic after ListVerse will sue him. In some comments, I've seen them saying that the lawyers are on it.