Fullscreen Partners Check Your Monetization Status

Hopefully this all gets sorted and Fullscreen sort things out, sounds like they have with Stratas recent post. I would definitely do what KV said and change your passwords just in case, I dont think Fullscreen have access to that data though, only account control and functions.
Hopefully this all gets sorted and Fullscreen sort things out, sounds like they have with Stratas recent post. I would definitely do what KV said and change your passwords just in case, I dont think Fullscreen have access to that data though, only account control and functions.

I hope so too. They have to be working on it though, and that's nice to know at least. That's a huge thing I like about networks, and Fullscreen in particular. Fast response time. I emailed them and had my first response within 20 minutes. Just emailing YouTube... expect a response date of never.

I've changed all my passwords. I already use, and recommend two step verification. Better to be safe than hacked.
No they haven`t... just called a few Channelowner I know and they rechecked it and it`s still listed as it was three Hours ago.
No they haven`t... just called a few Channelowner I know and they rechecked it and it`s still listed as it was three Hours ago.

Yeah, the rest of mine are still down too.

I think I got the one back because it's the one I used as an example in the screenshots. They asked for the link to the video.
No they haven`t... just called a few Channelowner I know and they rechecked it and it`s still listed as it was three Hours ago.

Damn, I am sure they will fix whatever has allowed the person in soon. Same if this site got hacked, it would be a case of looking for the entry point and removing or fixing whatever caused it and then redoing the data etc its a shame this has happened but it does every so often.