it is too hard for me to get 100$ i am not like nigahiga
Do not be so shortsighted. Does this 10$-20$ payout after month will change your life?
Ok, imagine you partnered with questionable network that offers no minimum payouts (i do not point to any network, i just speak briefly),
got your payout after a month (5$ or 20$ or whatever amount you imagine you can get from your channel after a month)
and then you may realise you are sticked for a couple of years with a crappy contract or on bad terms just because of those 10$-20$
Imagine IF in a few days or months one or more of your videos will get viral and you start to get thousands of views per day... you will feel very sorry then, that you ran for 20$ to sign contract with any company that has no minimum payout, and then you will realize what you have lost, and will realize that you can not change anything ontill contract ends. Remember, on youtube nearly any video has a chance to get viral anytime. Yours are not exeption.
My advice - go with stable network, think about your future, not about how to get 10$ next month by selling your soul for 2 years to questionable network