Fresh Look For YTtalk

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i love it. it feels a lot more modern, and i like how flat it is. in the kindest way possible, any chance of a rebrand/new logo in the works?
Do we still have the option to use the old layout, or is that a gonner?
Because this seems like it works great on touch devices, but it looks a bit cramped on a computer. (Since the toolbars follow you when you scroll down)
LOL, I think I become too old, but I really have to get used to the new one. I use desktop PC and if I could switch back I would have done that :P
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Looks nice. BUT. Hate the floating menu as it takes up reading space, and miss the names being above avatars on posts. That's immediately where my eyes go to see who posted because the eyes naturally follow the left and top lines of each bounding box around the post, guiding them in to the top left corner. Also, the avatars not sticking to a 1:1 aspect ratio is a bit startling as you scroll because everything is sized differently.

Slight bug: very long names in the "Last Reply" column cause that post's row to be a bit wider.

Just sayin.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will be shifting the username above member's avatars today similar to how it was. I am definitely open to changing the sticky navigation so it doesn't stick as well as members avatar sizes too.

i love it. it feels a lot more modern, and i like how flat it is. in the kindest way possible, any chance of a rebrand/new logo in the works?

The logo is new, the new one is flat rather than using gradients and our slogan has been updated to a new one too :)
Just checked out the site on mobile, thanks for sorting out the mobile version. I really didn't like tap talk that much, it's much better on the site
Just checked out the site on mobile, thanks for sorting out the mobile version. I really didn't like tap talk that much, it's much better on the site

Same here when it comes to their registration process, I still have Tapatalk available for those who use it but I prefer YTtalk being feature rich on mobile :D
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