For the people getting Subs and Views - question

youtube generated views will be youtube on youtube watch page, embeded player views would be people sharing your video's but youtube watch page can also be shared views as well to see if your video's are being shared you will want to look at traffic sources. I think last time I checked well over 80% of my views were youtube generated views, the majority of my external views are actually google search results. and the remainder is people sharing my video's[DOUBLEPOST=1544828070,1544827274][/DOUBLEPOST]
Cool man thanks for info. yeah seems i do post videos on dirtbike forums and stuff but just like all the others, other content creators wont really watch your stuff. so i think im going to stay away from forums lol and let YT do its thing whther I grow or not

if you do dirt bike video's and actively participate in dirt bike fourms or dirt bike groups groups they may be good places to gain some exposure, just be sure to be actively involved in the community's and not just show up to post your video's you don't want to be spamy about it or it will be less well received.
From google: "YouTube watch page: This means that the video was watched on YouTube from the video's specific page. It's the precise URL where you can watch the video on YouTube. "

Your links must be getting shared?

That makes a lot of sense!! thank you so much for the reply
I promote many of our videos in related forums and on our Facebook page (with a few thousand followers) and they generate a pitiful amount of views.. For example, a recent video had something like 3.5K views in the first week. Of those views, approx 150 came from Facebook even though Facebook stats say it was displayed to something like 3k followers.. Less than 25 views came from the two forums I posted in..
looks like you guys are right. I mostly post on thumpertalk (dirtbike forums) but let YT do its thing. so far im getting 1 sub every other day. Then again this used to be a gaming channel and I was at 98 subs when I switched it to a offroad channel. im at 122 now but 2 huge youtubers wanted to use my video so i might get more.

but when I started I would get 1 sub like every week lol now im getting 1 almost every other day or 2. hopefully it will become at least 1 a day ha ha. but seems people just find my videos somehow