Finding your niche while everyone guns for the popular genres

This is very true. When I first wanted to start my Youtube channel I wanted to do a gaming channel with commentary. I quickly realized this market is not only over saturated but downright flooded. So I rather focused on something I loved doing; listening to,reading and learning about stories. I don't know if anyone will like a channel about Mythology but I'm having fun and I think that's what should count ^^

Great post!
I LOVE Mythology! Heading over to your channel to check it out.

@ The OP; you are certainly correct about everyone trying to do the same thing in the same way. Take my own situation. There are tens of thousands of hypnosis channels on YouTube. I am not in the top 20 of these as yet, but I am working on it. Very few hypnotists do hypnosis the way I do it, and most of those that do tend not to place full sessions on YouTube, or devolve to a more primitive form of hypnotic induction for their video posts. But I don't stop with the hypnosis. I actually have three genres I post to with my main channel; Hypnosis, Brainwave Entrainment, and Experimental Music. Each one is done in an out-of-the-ordinary fashion, and doing this has allowed my channel not only to survive the 5-years-in-existence mark, but grow to the 4-figure subscriber level.

Please note that this is in no way shape or fashion an attempt to promote my channel, only to validate the original post.

It's ok to follow "trends"; just make sure that you do it in your own unique way, rather than the way everyone else is doing it!
It's time to get clever because you'll never make it until you think deeper, try harder, get smarter and fight the cliche clique.
Definitely~ But the only thing with being too original is that YouTube gets confused on where to suggest your videos and it would be hard to get a good tag going on for the videos. >.<

That's why I think you should focus on your niche and be original as you said BUT have a few videos that could be considered following the crowd where it would probably be suggested here and there to pull some potential viewers to your channel.

Imagine your channel like a tree. The roots are the promotion, suggested videos and searches(how the viewer finds you). The trunk is the content or main niche and the leaves are whats left over which are the subs and viewer count. The viewers that come are the nutrients that feeds the tree lol. Get me?
You just need to do something you enjoy. In my opinion if you;re having fun making the videos then the viewers will too.