Educational Material and Copyright


Hi there. It's my first post here although I've been reading this forum for couple months now.
I'm starting a YT channel tomorrow (educational/entertainment material - spanish YouTube) and there's this copyright thing I can't understand. I've read the official Google's Fair Use explanation, but I still have a question:

If I'm making a video about, let's say, wild animals, and I put some 5-20sec. cuts from, let's say, National Geographic videos, would that video of mine get flaged? I'm using my voice, I'm explaining stuff they didn't on their original videos and I don't just copy-paste it. I combine it with some other royalty free videos/images and I bring a whole new concept or idea to it. Also, in the future, as I get some money, I will invest it on creating animations for my videos and I'm going to be their "copyright owner" (not sure how it's called lol).

If I'm not mistaken, I would be under "Fair Use"s protection. Is that correct?
Thanks for your time!


EDIT: Grammar
Monetizing videos containing material you didn't create yourself without asking the copyright owner's permission is a very bad idea. Even if you claim educational value as Fair Use, there are other criteria to look at for Fair Use to be proved, and it would need to be proved in a Court of Law if your usage was challenged, not proved on YouTube.

One of the things against you, is your plan to monetize in the first place. Fair Use looks more favorably on non-profit than on commercial usage. Try asking Nat Geo for permission to use the clips you want, and see what happens. They may be willing to allow you to if you pay a licensing fee.
Well, I asked them. 0 reply.
I've been doing some research and I got this clear now. You CAN monetize those videos, there's just couple you need to prove them you're covered by the Fair Use policy. Thanks for your answer though!
Best wishes.