Do you use a Made Up Name or Or Real Name for youtube

Lordwindowlicker is something I came up with in high school, I believe... so I've had it for a while (I am in my 30s) My friend and I made screen names that referenced Aphex Twin tracks. But, if anyone asks I'll gladly tell them my real name.
Mine is made up of my first and middle name. Kyle Brennan's Vlog. "KBsVlog" I think it's perfect. :)
Ahem, the story of my name!
Captain Delugo has a long backstory, actually the name should be Captain Frankie Delugo, or just Frankie Delugo.

Now the biggest plot twist, my name is Frank, and my last name is not Delugo. *SUDDEN DRAMA HIT*

I just see it as my alter-ego to be honest, Frankie Delugo is who I am but more like the online realisation of what I would like to be in real.
My channel name I sort of stole from Seananners which is where I got the Nanner par then craft is supposed to stand for minecraft and air for airsoft.
I think it's best to use a channel name for branding but not be afraid to use your real name in videos. That's what I do.
Pete is obviously somewhat real, but since I am french-canadian, my actual first name is Pierre-Olivier and doesn't quite sound right in english. I always told people to call me Pete when I played video games and what-not so it just stuck with me.
Lightsen is something I made up to name my Chao in Sonic Adventure 2..... I was going to name my channel Naysu after my other chao (and subsequently my deviantART username) but it was already taken.

Very few know me by rachel, or that im a girl at all lol I like the protection of a username, but I have no problems if people want to call me by my real name.
My real name is Francesco Consonni, I'm not afraid to say it, but all the people I know usually refer to me as "Conso", so I decided to adopt it as my screen name. The 1727 is my hour of birth, even though I somehow fin it redundant, so I use it for website nicknames only