Do you like your voice?

I used to really hate my voice but after making so many videos I think I have come to like it.

Nobody likes their own voice at first, you'll get used to it.
Yeah, I think its pretty natural to dislike your voice at first because you have heard it different your whole life, but you get used to it after a while. :)
I absolutely hate my speaking voice. Especially since it tends to change based on my emotions. It can be super low just as it can be super high and it's annoying as hell. I don't mind my singing voice too much, but once again not in love.
Don't worry about it, you will get used to it after you edit more vids. Studies shown that it is because we have not hear ourselves thru our own ears before (more like you heard it from the inside of your body), that is why it is werid to hear it, as a result, you hate it.

I don't hate my voice but I hate my accent lol
I love accents :) I find it fun when I come across channels where the person has an accent. I wonder what the popular accents would be. I think about how many accents there are of English just alone in the United states. I wonder how many other accents in other countries have slightly different accents from each other too.
For instance to my ears I do like all the different American accents.. except the West Coast because that is where I grew up so it is normal for me. Internationally I like a majority of accents, but am particularly fond of Irish and Scottish. However I have never pick up on dialect differences within Irish and Scottish accents, they sound all Irish, or all Scottish to me. I hear very distinctive differences in American Dialects though like New Yorkers vs. say Goergians, vs. Creole.
I wonder within Scotland, Ireland or other Countries if they have the same dialect differences, but that I just don't hear it. I have also wondered when learning a different language if there are accents that are considered charming, and if you can learn those rather than the standardized versions. Someone once taught me a tiny bit of German. When I said the little I learned to someone else they said oh, that is high German. So it made me wonder what version is the regular standardized version of German you would learn is school, if it isn't the same.

Sorry to get so side tracked. What type of accent do you have[DOUBLEPOST=1424631049,1424630588][/DOUBLEPOST]
I gotta be honest... I think a lot of y'all who hate your voices really need to stop, listen to yourself a BUNCH, and start to listen both critically and appreciatively, because in the end your voice is a major factor in your channel. I'd honestly argue that how you sound might matter more than how you look. People might not always be watching the video, but I've never known anyone to watch a video while on mute (outside of a few REALLY specific circumstances).

The reason that matters is if you start getting to know your voice, the sound of it, the little subtleties and nuances, it helps you improve. If you listen to yourself and go "EUGH IT'S TERRIBLE I CAN'T WAIT TO FINISH EDITING" then... it'll always sound terrible to you and there's a good chance you aren't doing a great job of sounding good to the viewers. But if you stop and go "all right, I need to lift my voice a bit here, sound less flat when I do this, watch how I pronounce these words..." then you're on the road to improving, making yourself more fun for your VIEWERS to listen to.

Remember your product is YOU. Sure you can do all the editing and effects in the world, but without working on your camera presence (or vocal performance) it's all a fool's errand. Don't look at yourself and go "man I wish I was prettier" or listen to yourself and go "man I wish I sounded better," that's self-defeating and doesn't help you get better. Go "I need to show more emotion" or "I need to vary my tone," that's something you can do and something that will lead to more audience engagement.

I used to hate my voice, but am getting used to it since I am editing all the time. I was fine with how it sounded in my head which is a lower pitch, but really now that I am getting used to it I barely think about it anymore. I am very short 5 feet even, and my voice was on the higher pitched side. It seems to be lowering very slowly as I age. People always assumed I was much younger than I was. Now though as my age is catching up to me in a hurry. I definitely wouldn't mind anyone thinking I was younger because of my voice, height, or face. Now to just lose the 30 pounds I want to lose :)
I used to hate my voice, but am getting used to it since I am editing all the time. I was fine with how it sounded in my head which is a lower pitch, but really now that I am getting used to it I barely think about it anymore. I am very short 5 feet even, and my voice was on the higher pitched side. It seems to be lowering very slowly as I age. People always assumed I was much younger than I was. Now though as my age is catching up to me in a hurry. I definitely wouldn't mind anyone thinking I was younger because of my voice, height, or face. Now to just lose the 30 pounds I want to lose :)

I feel like that's the best place to be. Your voice is just part of your videos, if you have an aversion to it then you're gonna have a hard time making videos.
Lol I feel the same way! I wonder if anyone actually likes their voice? I've also noticed that I have a stronger New York accent than I thought I had from watching my videos/editing.
Its just the way it is with everyone not just you, What i do when i edit is think its someone else and not me, and not worry about what i look like or how i sound and just get on with editing, I've filmed it, its happened, time to move on. Thats what i think anyway
Whenever I listen to my voice I cry a little inside, perhaps why I often put on different voices in my videos.
I love accents :) I find it fun when I come across channels where the person has an accent. I wonder what the popular accents would be. I think about how many accents there are of English just alone in the United states. I wonder how many other accents in other countries have slightly different accents from each other too.
For instance to my ears I do like all the different American accents.. except the West Coast because that is where I grew up so it is normal for me. Internationally I like a majority of accents, but am particularly fond of Irish and Scottish. However I have never pick up on dialect differences within Irish and Scottish accents, they sound all Irish, or all Scottish to me. I hear very distinctive differences in American Dialects though like New Yorkers vs. say Goergians, vs. Creole.
I wonder within Scotland, Ireland or other Countries if they have the same dialect differences, but that I just don't hear it. I have also wondered when learning a different language if there are accents that are considered charming, and if you can learn those rather than the standardized versions. Someone once taught me a tiny bit of German. When I said the little I learned to someone else they said oh, that is high German. So it made me wonder what version is the regular standardized version of German you would learn is school, if it isn't the same.

Sorry to get so side tracked. What type of accent do you have[DOUBLEPOST=1424631049,1424630588][/DOUBLEPOST]

I used to hate my voice, but am getting used to it since I am editing all the time. I was fine with how it sounded in my head which is a lower pitch, but really now that I am getting used to it I barely think about it anymore. I am very short 5 feet even, and my voice was on the higher pitched side. It seems to be lowering very slowly as I age. People always assumed I was much younger than I was. Now though as my age is catching up to me in a hurry. I definitely wouldn't mind anyone thinking I was younger because of my voice, height, or face. Now to just lose the 30 pounds I want to lose :)

Thank you ^_^
Well.. I'm from Singapore so... I have Singaporean Accent.. XD