Do you help others out?


Be good to self.
My sub count is nothing spectacular, but since I passed 1K, I've been trying to call attention to other channels I like who are a bit smaller, figuring that we could grow together. I have been sending out collab materials (waiting on their halves, but I know that sort of thing takes time) and posting videos I've liked by them on Twitter and occasionally mentioning them in my own videos.

Do you give a helping hand to other channels? What are some ideas to boost everyone you appreciate?
My channel is so small so there's not much I can do on my own channel to bring others' videos to attention. Of course I've commented and praised others on their videos, but beyond that I haven't done anything fancy. I know Kate from Kate's Adventures makes monthly playlists for small YouTubers so that's pretty awesome
If I ever got a following I think i would personally avoid doing that alot because I couldn't deal with hundreds of people only clicking on my videos to try and promote their channels, obviously collabs aren't a problem but I wouldn't call out loads and loads of channels maybe one or two if I really liked them and watched their videos alot but it would be rare.
Yep, shared a friend's video on Twitter today of a collab we did where my recording failed, hopefully that helps him out a bit although I have like... no following... at all... :joyfulphones:
ANYWAY I think the best and most convenient way to help someone else out, unless you're a big YouTuber who can just shout people out and get them tons of exposure, is just to simply regularly comment on other people's videos, with feedback or just a comedic-type comment, followed by a like if you enjoyed. I think that is a huge way to help someone out, and it usually happens in return if the guy is nice. :crown:
If I really like a video, I'll share it on reddit. I've gotten waaay better reception for sharing other people's stuff on reddit than i get for sharing my own stuff on reddit, so helping others is way better for karma XD