do you feel like your age effects your success on youtube or social media

do you feel like people are not watching you vids because you are older
I think it depends on the person and the video. You can be 40 and look/sound and have the energy like a guy in his 20ies and then it´s no problem it think:) I am 40 now but I only make animation videos and it goes without sayning that it less of a problem when i dont have to be on camera:)
I think it's getting harder and harder to stick your neck out and be weird, strange and funny at the same time.
Energywise, It's also a constant change with me.
The older I get, the harder it is.
I'm 44 and my channel is almost exclusively directed at a game, which of course will always have a younger demographic. At first I thought it was a negative, but I now believe it to be an advantage. For one, it's different. People will always like different. Second, wisdom comes into play. I know how to react to certain situations better and avoid drama, and I believe people kind of expect this as well. And third, I think being older conveys a sense of responsibility that others lack.

In short, use your age to your advantage.
A couple years ago I tried a gaming channel with my son. I was slightly embarrassed to show it to friends. I'm 39 and still play games like I did when I was a kid. But the world has changed. An "adult" gamer has a negative stigma to it. It honestly sucks. So yes, I think to some extent age impacts our ability to be successful with the content we'd like to create. We must explore other varieties that are more in tune with our age.

Regarding the amount of time that we have to create, like anything else, you need to make time. When you get home and you feel you're too tired to create/promote/brainstorm, just tell yourself you're not tired, but simply uninspired.
Just need to stop making excuses

allow me to disagree! :)

there are facts and there are opinions.

I respect your motivational opinion,
but the fact is
that age more or less, slows down every person.
(plus all arguments Cyphus puts like kids, job, bills etc.)

So there is no excuse I think.
do you feel like people are not watching you vids because you are older

do you feel like it kills your energy

or maybe because of age you are nothing getting it

or even something else

With my last channel, my experience was that other channels out there were forcing their enthusiasm a lot of the time whereas older folks are more likely to just talk plainly and maybe that can effect views in certain demographics depending on what your subject is.

When I produce a video I like to be as authentic as possible, I hate cutting multiple takes to make a seamless commentary, and I dislike the way a great deal of youtubers talk at 1000mph and have all this fake excitement about a subject. Maybe I just come across as boring. Maybe I am boring lol, but in day to day life people over say 22 just don't talk like they do on the internet and I don't want to seem like I'm something I'm not.
Not at all, My audience is late 20s to 40's as my channel is about digital marketing. That's kinda where I need to be. I am happy with younger viewers watching vlogs, make-up, trendy stuff. am happy being classed as an oldie at the age of 31 :) - You can't control the age of your audience, but there are plenty of older viewers on YT to connect with