do you feel like your age effects your success on youtube or social media

As other say, it depends what you do. I am older ( I admitted it, I feel free now!) and the videos i watch that relate to my gaming interests are made by people mostly in the 30+ age range.

As long as you enjoy the content you are making then your "energy" should come across, hopefully.
my audience is males 25-50 I think iv only even gotten one comment out of over 80k channel views about the fact that im pretty much completely
Yes. I get the feeling I am not "lit" enough. In general though I just don't follow the rules of any social media. There's a correct way to use them; posting consistently on YouTube, posting short, concise & amusing tweets on Twitter, posting d**k pics on Snapchat, posting selfies & food on Instagram etc... I just don't have the energy to keep up. Then again, even when I was much younger, in my teens & early 20s, I still didn't fully understand or bother with trends that much, as long as I had games to play, I was pretty much content. But that said, I don't necessarily attribute my lack of success entirely to the audiences but also my own shortcomings.

Being "trendy" & being yourself at the same time, to me, are mutually exclusive. A lot of the older content creators that have built something were here before the oversaturation of YouTube & Twitch as well as other social media sites (or found their niche). Before it was required to play the same game as everyone else or do the same challenges as everyone else and so on.
I believe it does. Though it can be both negative and positive. I don't usually care to watch videos teenagers, and they most likely don't care to watch videos of people my age. Nothing wrong with either one of them. When it comes to entertainment, we want to be able to connect to the person on the other side of the screen. I can't connect with the life and struggles of a 16 year old, nor can they connect with me where I am in my life.
I totally agree.

A previous comment mentioned Gary Vaynerchuk as an example. It is a lot easier to listen to him and accept his advice because of his experience and success in business. Experience comes with age...there is no shortcut.

I am a 52 year old male. If I were to try a prank channel or a beauty channel it would be highly unlikely to succeed. Instead, I cover a subject I know a fair amount about and I like to think that my aged appearance and authenticity make it easier for the viewer to accept me as a credible source of information.

Sure...if I was a busty young blond showing some cleavage I would probably have ten times as many viewers now, but that's not the kind of viewers I am aiming to reach so I would not consider that to be "success". Likewise, if I was a handsome young guy in my early twenties shooting around in a jet ski and diving into the sea at every opportunity I would probably attract more viewers...but once again not the kind of viewers that I want to reach. Also, I would be identified as a "youtuber" primarily and a wannabe yacht broker secondly. As it stands I am known as a yacht broker who has a very cool youtube channel. That is the kind of success I am looking for.

Do I feel that my age "kills my energy"?
Absolutely not - I have as much energy now as I did when I was 18!
Yeah!! And people talk about Vaynershmuck likes he came from nothing but I looked it up and he’s a millionaire! Why even do YouTube if you got that money? For us 40+ it’s the last chance Hail Mary we have at making some REAL money for once in our lives. For some of us it might happen
I don't think age effects my success on YT, I think I will be able to create content at any age, but different ages to lend to different time frames of life, younger me wouldn't of had money for any gear or much of an idea of what I was doing, older me might have to slow down on videos as other priorities come up.
Well, I am 59,
I started my channel about 9 months ago and I am quite happy the way it is going[DOUBLEPOST=1534433286,1534433083][/DOUBLEPOST]I have just noticed that for some reason my channel does not show here.
Maybe because I am too old :)
A lot of youtubers still have "real jobs". I find the term "real jobs" a tad offensive since it sounds like if someone doesn't work a typical 9-5 job, it's not considered a job at all & people look down on them. There are so many jobs out there in the world, especially for all the creatives like musicians, photographers, videographers, models, actors, influencers etc. Are they not real jobs to you? Do they not make money & work hard for their money like any other job? If anything they work harder since majority of them are working for themselves & not under someone elses dream/company. If someone is doing what they love & getting paid for it, it's still a real job.

It has nothing to do with that. But you have to remember that professionals, people who work 60+ hours a week, people who are at work 10-12 hours a day, who have families, etc., those people simply do not have time to sit home and make videos. They do not have time to sit on social media all day long and promote their channels. It's nothing for you to be offended by, it's just that we don't have the time to spend on YouTube and do it, not for money, but because we enjoy it as a hobby. Age works against us because we have established careers and children and mortgages to pay and all that. Why that would upset you, I have no idea.
Just need to stop making excuses, it's easy to blame thing's when you aren't putting the work in and worrying about what other people are doing. Focus on yourself, there's an audience for everyone, you just need to be optimistic.