Do you act on Call-To-Actions?

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I am wondering if I should continue to use call to actions. They haven't really seemed to do much and I feel like everyone that uses YouTube is versed enough to do it on their own if they so choose. So I'd like to see how you, experienced YouTubers, respond to people that say "Like this video! Comment on this video! Subscribe, etc.!" Do you do these things when people tell/ask you to?

I personally don't. If I like their content I might like or sub but it's never because they said so.

I also feel that an abrupt ending is much more shocking and intriguing and makes me look deeper in to a channel than someone that fills my ears with instructions.
I like the abrupt endings but I like to (if I can remember) end the video with a question style of call to action..I also do the regular ending with the end screen and links but when I remember I like to add a question that could lead into the next video or has something to do with the current video.
but I like to (if I can remember) end the video with a question style of call to action..I also do the regular ending with the end screen and links but when I remember I like to add a question that could lead into the next video or has something to do with the current video.
Not sure if you're familiar with epic rap battles of history, but do you mean like them where they go "Who won? Who's next? You decide." Something like that? That might work...
I never do it when they tell me to sub. When they force you to sub, like and .... I don't trust them.

What I always do is reminding to sub if they want to do it at the end. I don't ask for comments, likes force people to sub because it's my viewers choice if they want to.

Just don't force them very hard and only remind them to sub if they like your content
I am wondering if I should continue to use call to actions. They haven't really seemed to do much and I feel like everyone that uses YouTube is versed enough to do it on their own if they so choose. So I'd like to see how you, experienced YouTubers, respond to people that say "Like this video! Comment on this video! Subscribe, etc.!" Do you do these things when people tell/ask you to?

I personally don't. If I like their content I might like or sub but it's never because they said so.

I also feel that an abrupt ending is much more shocking and intriguing and makes me look deeper in to a channel than someone that fills my ears with instructions.

I never did it in the beginning but have started to a bit. But it's not something I worry about if I forget.
The one thing I do-do is call to action for donations through patreon or paypay (where I make most of my money.) and this has been extremely lucrative for me, so I'll continue doing that. Even if I stop doing like, comment, sub call to action.
I hate when people say to like and subscribe. It feels like I'm being used. Also, if the channel already has lots of likes and subs then why keep asking? It's like "I'm not famous enough yet / not making enough money! Please do what I say!" The worst is when they tell you at the beginning, before they've even done anything. Then again, I've always had a hatred for any form of advertising.
I don't ask all the time and in every video but sometimes I'll throw in a hey sub if you want to see more and hang out kind of statement and I'll say hey click this icon to check out my playlist or click this button and subscribe..[DOUBLEPOST=1509398178,1509398103][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not sure if you're familiar with epic rap battles of history, but do you mean like them where they go "Who won? Who's next? You decide." Something like that? That might work...

I am familiar with the epic rap battle but no not in that fashion more of if I do a diy video or a build video or if I visit somewhere ( I do vlogs btw) I will be like whats the last project you did? Have you ever done a project like this? Have you ever been to a place like this? Let me know in the comments below and we can start a conversation! That kind of thing
They don't work on me, but all those certified YT experts out there always mention it in their videos so I assume there is a valid point in doing it. I'm not going to argue with channels that have all proven themselves on the matter obviously.
Whether a video asks me to sub or like or not doesn't affect whether I will or not.

I don't use any call-to-action at all. Closest thing I do is put at the beginning of each description "Do you know of a song you want ruined? Leave your idea in the comments and if I like it, I'll do it!" This serves as a way to get people to be involved and become invested in my channel, as well as maybe enticing people who see that part of the description in the search results who might otherwise not click on it.
Closest thing I do is put at the beginning of each description "Do you know of a song you want ruined? Leave your idea in the comments and if I like it, I'll do it!"
Yeah I like that. I considered putting it on the bottom of the desc but the top is prob better for higher click-through. And it capitalizes on people who are actually interested enough to look at the description... Thanks!