Do people watch more of a video if there's an ad before it?


Are there any statistics on whether people are more likely to watch more of a video if there's a skippable ad before it?

My layman take on this is that if there's an ad before the video, people might be likely to watch longer since they've already invested some time in getting to the video, and are therefor inclined to watch longer in order to get some payoff for their investment. If instead the video starts right away, they might only give it a few seconds before they decide it's not for them, and quickly move on.

When I watch a video I sometimes get the feeling that that the video is more "legit" or "professional" if there's an ad before it, and I therefor pay more attention to it. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because professional content usually have ads. I guess it comes from being used to watching TV. I know it's a paradox, since ads are usually something that irritates the consumer (including myself), and is something most people are trying to avoid when possible.

It might of course also backfire in that when realizing that the content is not what they were looking for, after having sat through the ad, they might be more inclined to give a thumb down, which they maybe wouldn't have done if the the ad wasn't there.

(I'm saying skippable ad as opposed to non skippable because that's the only option I'm considering.)

What's your thoughts on this?
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Personally I wont watch a video any longer than usual just because it had a skippable pre roll ad.
The 5 second 'investment' is not very long in my opinion.
i have always thought the opposite. The vast majority of people on the interwebz have the attention span of a knat and i've always feared that they will click away if they have to wait even 1/2 second.. Even reports from Google say that people will click away from your website if it takes more than 1-2 seconds to load.
However, the Youtube skippable ads are only 5 seconds so it seems that most people can handle it and I think since so many videos have skippable ads now I think most people (even the idiots with no attention span) have become ad-blind to them.