Do bandwagon Videos annoy you?


Loving YTtalk
Wha'ts up guys! Frank here!

So guys and gals, I was just doing my usual vid benching and suddenly I started getting slightly annoyed, reason being that all my suggested vids were about current drama/controversial topics. The main problem is not necessarily people talking about it but mainly that they have no new information to input. After watching 5 different ones from obscures tubers they were all saying the same thing as if they heard it from dramalert or scarce and decided to repeat them almost word by word. I don't quite know exactly what annoys me more, if it's the feeling of I just fell for click bait or that a lot of people jump on bandwagons without doing any research on their own just for the clicks.
Yeah i mean a lot of the time people aren't even relivent like when the youtuber KSI was planning to quit all these youtubers just started talking about it like they knew him perfectly when they had no reason to talk about it or any real valid opinion on the subject.
I feel like in part youtube has turned in to a race to see who gets the more clicks because of purely money reasons. To me it comes out as desperate and it is a big turn off to watch someone's channel.

IMO making trending topics if fine as long as you input real information or additional information others might have overlook, normally when I find them I stay and watch all the way, but latetly idk wth is going through some peoples heads :D
It'd be a lot less forgivable for those creators if it wasn't so effective in getting views. It's still terrible, but I fell into this rabbit hole about 6 months ago with a gamer (I don't game or watch gaming vids, it was a recommended thing) who has a whole bunch of people who don't like him. And he's not really a big gamer, but the videos about his videos (which include entire videos he's created with no commentary or anything just re-uploaded at a different speed and with the video reversed) get way more views than his initial videos. There's a whole cottage industry surrounding this one guy, and it's horrifying and really fascinating to watch.

Same goes with makeup channels. The drama channels about them really love to eat their own. They elevate a drama person, then tear them down within months, only to elevate the next one.

I think it's the same with vegan channels, but I haven't been able to stand watching any of the players, so I don't watch any of those or keep up with what's going on.

I find it somewhat hard to fault people for understanding the flaws in the system and utilizing them to get attention to their channels. It's morally bankrupt and creatively stupid, but it works.
Ugh, this is what happened with the whole JonTron thing. Like people couldn't just watch the original video for themselves. And then he gets canned from some game and again everyone has to make their own video about it.
In regards to 'drama' channels, I never subscribed to any until last year but I did often tune into one of them.

When GradeA UnderA recommended Scarce, I subbed and checked him out. It didn't take long before I realized that Scarce didn't add any substance to any topics and was very repetitive. I unsubbed.

Then I heard about Leafy. Boy, was that a bunch of garbage. It was rude and not creative at all. If his schtick was being an a-hole, well, he was successful.

After Grade launched that attack on DramaAlert, and after I realized that I was not interested in inferior content, I subscribed to DramaAlert. Say what you want about Keemstar (you're right), but he keeps it tight, often gets information in his content, and includes humor.

There have been other 'drama' channels as well but most of them drone on to hit that 10-minute mark. If they aren't going to respect my time, I'm not interested.
Yeah i mean a lot of the time people aren't even relivent like when the youtuber KSI was planning to quit all these youtubers just started talking about it like they knew him perfectly when they had no reason to talk about it or any real valid opinion on the subject.
Still more relevant than the "Reply girls" re: type videos a few years ago (girls who talked about these kinds of relevant topics but displayed their boobs prominently to get clicks and therefore, high placement) that used to make up a large portion of what was then called "related videos". Then Youtube did something about it by tweaking their algorithm and they all went away.
Still more relevant than the "Reply girls" re: type videos a few years ago (girls who talked about these kinds of relevant topics but displayed their boobs prominently to get clicks and therefore, high placement) that used to make up a large portion of what was then called "related videos". Then Youtube did something about it by tweaking their algorithm and they all went away.
Lol this is news to me, I was not into youtube back then... but I bet it was annoying as hell.
Lol this is news to me, I was not into youtube back then... but I bet it was annoying as hell.
Yep, it sure was. Every single hot video had a plethora of "re:[name of video]" by some girl showing a lot of cleavage and barely saying anything of importance about the video they were replying to. Those types of videos typically had a massive dislike to like ratio but it didn't matter to them because they were raking in the money. Then YT changed the algorithm with a flip of a switch and they disappeared. Many made videos crying about how their income was taken away from them. It was really interesting.
Well, here's the thing about these types of videos in the drama community. This is something people like talking about. Everyone likes gossip. Everyone likes being kept up to date with what's going on, especially when it concerns someone they know. What people do with this gossip and use for video content is no different than the mainstream media reporting an event or a tabloid article reporting gossip. They all report the same story. No reader is going to see the incident for themselves. They don't even know it's going on. But when they see this incident happened, from a recommended video, they tune in. They hear this person speaking and see what they have to input on the situation. A lot of people do restate facts, but they are criticized for this, mind you. If people like the person speaking, they sub and stick around for the next video. If they don't like the information provided, they leave a negative comment. And drama channels don't moderate comments. Often, anyway. You can't fault the creators for making content their subscribers want to see. People Like it, so they get the idea to carry on with what they're doing. And you have to keep in mind they don't always know what's being said. It's a big platform. You can't watch every video on the subject, and they are all mostly uploaded around the same time. The commentary community has gotten a lot of stuff against it, and now people can't even upload commentary videos with gameplay without being accused of being a 'Leafy clone.' It's sad. But people seem to have this negative stigma against this genre, when this is nothing new. In fact, it's beneficial, because it actually connects YouTube. It treats YouTubers as part of a community and gets people talking about them and giving them relevancy. Instead of there just being cliques and industries and no one knows each other. If the argument is not liking them because they criticize people, well, guess what, you're criticizing them. It's a two-way street.