Disabled adsense - partnering still possible?

600 channels which are getting 10 views a day. lol not really but 300, that's an easy amount of partners to achieve if your requirements are that low.

Plus they lie about Networks being shut down by Google which is false obviously
lol, Iricom and QuizGrop arn`t even the same company and I got a message similar to that from a few of their recruiters...
I hadn't heard of them before today, but apparently they have "600+ CHANNELS | 1,500,000+ SUBSCRIBERS | 30,000,000+ MONTHLY VIEWS"

Thanks, I will check them out also. I will likely stay away from lengthy contracts if I ever decide to partner in the future...
That 600 channels includes Acifin`s sub-networks plus those stats arn`t high..... Machinima : 2.6B monthly views....