Denied by Fullscreen twice

Yeah, I came to the same conclusion when it happened to me. It knocked me down for a while. I got back up and continued to make videos, because it's something I love to do ;)

Yeah man i have fun and it actually helps me in real life socially[DOUBLEPOST=1377001482,1377001313][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't think I can make it any clearer.

You're not eligible, due to invalid click activity. Also, even if you were eligible, you won't be able to monetize anything as your channel revolves around product promotion.

Invalid click activity is serious stuff in Google land. This means that you've either been click bombed or you've been clicking your own stuff or had friends do it to generate more cash. Google isn't stupid, they know how this works and have plenty ways to detect it. There is no second chance, once you're banned, you're banned. No appeal.

Despite that, you're advertising a product already. Nobody's going to want to advertise their product on top of your ads. You won't see Coca Cola advertising on an ad for Pepsi either. That's not how marketing works.

Ok i get I'm not eligible but
Most fashion channel and the girl beuty stuff revolves around product promotion
AlwaysFreshApparel is really big and we both do similar videos
Ok, let's get this straight:

Adsense ads are NOT sponsored by the company that the channel is promoting. An Adsense ad is the one that you see prior to watching a vid or the ones that pop up whilst you're viewing. Two completely different things.
Ok, let's get this straight:

Adsense ads are NOT sponsored by the company that the channel is promoting. An Adsense ad is the one that you see prior to watching a vid or the ones that pop up whilst you're viewing. Two completely different things.

What are you talking about. I was just giving you an example of channels that do product promotion whos videos are monetized which you said "Nobody's going to want to advertise their product on top of your ads". I just watch a video from the channel that i mention earlier he had a bestbuy ad before the actual video.
Why are you rushing? You dont even have 1k subs yet. and if ur monetization is disabled you might as well start a new channel
Why are you rushing? You dont even have 1k subs yet. and if ur monetization is disabled you might as well start a new channel
I know I wouldn't make much but people have posted of them gaining more subscribers by partnering. Networking and making connections with other people who are in the same network .
I know I wouldn't make much but people have posted of them gaining more subscribers by partnering. Networking and making connections with other people who are in the same network .

Ya but natural growth is the best way to grow, and either way your channel is useless without monetization
I dunno. Doesn't make any sense, if I was running a business I wouldn't want my ads on promotional videos, that's a new one to me.

That leaves you with the invalid clicks, and as you've found out, the only way to fix that is start a new channel and be very careful with it. Adsense is very sensitive and doesn't take any hostages.