Vlog Daily Vloggers, what do you all think?

I like daily vlogs but I guess it depends. Some people vlog even when they don't have anything going on and then make it really long which I find annoying. I don't do it because I'm not an exiting person :)
What do you guy's think about daily vlogging? I'm not talking about traditional vlogging here, where you just sit and talk in front of a camera for a certain amount of time. I'm talking about filming your entire day, talking to the camera, running errands, funny things you do, and then editing it to fit under 15 minutes.

That's what my wife and I do. We just passed our first 100 videos and and we LOVE it. Problem is, were trying to find others who are like us. We watch the daily vlogs of BFvsGF, Shaytards, CTFxC, and itsjudyslife, but they are all HUGE and famous and have millions of subscribers. We're trying to find someone like us, who just started, but are really solid at it. By someone like us, I mean someone with less than 5k subscribers.

We want someone who is in the same ballpark as us, just to interact with and watch.

What do you guys think?

TheBuckStop - Thomas & Lisa

Hi and welcome. There is a YTtalk member who meets those criteria - @FamBamVlogs who Vlogs every day out and about with his wife (and newborn). However, I just checked out their channel, and it appears they haven't uploaded in over a month. I think that will be your biggest challenge - Keeping up the initial enthusiasm, energy and creativity to do this every day. It's a lot of work - I know, I couldn't do it. Good luck :)

(I'll move this to the collaboration forum for you)
thanks crown, I actually know about FamBam and yes he does not vlog regularly anymore. It is a tough thing to do. There are some out there like DailyBumps, Cullen & Katie, ClintusTV and such but they are bigger and do not respond, I must say Clintus does but does not follow me back. There is even a Florida Family who vlogs but does not seem to communicate or watch our videos either. I feel like they think they are to big. I am looing for those who are close to my size and would like to colab or just meet and be friends and help each others channel grow.
thanks crown, I actually know about FamBam and yes he does not vlog regularly anymore. It is a tough thing to do. There are some out there like DailyBumps, Cullen & Katie, ClintusTV and such but they are bigger and do not respond, I must say Clintus does but does not follow me back. There is even a Florida Family who vlogs but does not seem to communicate or watch our videos either. I feel like they think they are to big. I am looing for those who are close to my size and would like to colab or just meet and be friends and help each others channel grow.

If you click on this link, you will get a list of threads of other Vloggers looking to collaborate :


Good luck :)
I really want to do daily vlogging but I just don't have the time for it :P Maybe if I'm successful with my current channel, I'll start...
But I would recommend "Adam Tan" (Youtube name: iDreamDance), he has 1k subscribers and also did a collab with me :)
And, do you know Mr Ben Brown? I love his vlogging style :D
I enjoying essiebuttonvlogs they started of small and have grown to over 200,000.
Lockergnome (Chris and Diana Pirillo).
TyMoss (Although a slightly younger couple they are doing well thanks to Tys tech channel)
Barnacules Nerdgasm has just started his vLogs and he is on Vlog 31 I believe and he has just introduced us to his family.

Give it time as it will take a couples years to reach the larger crowds, I think the key is making it enjoyable and fun to watch. So I wish you the very best!
We just got started! We're under 20 videos around 60 subscribers! We pretty much just record our daily life with our 6 mo. old puppy! We just moved to South Lake Tahoe, which is why we started the videos! It's become a really awesome hobby that we really enjoy doing!

Hello!! We are daily vloggers too (a young couple) who were living in the Middle East but now at University in England on a semi long distance relationship, again... we have a complicated life! But we absolutely LOVE vlogging and we passed 100 vlogs a week ago too :D