
no worries, i appreciate all the help. so i just sit tight and wait for the option to claim them to appear?
Hi, I just signed with creator x today and I have always kept my videos unmonetized. Do I go ahead and monetize them now, or does creator x go into my account and monetize for me? When am i actually part of the network to start generating ad revenue (and protected from click bombing)?
Sorry for lack of response here! Got bitten by the Gmail spambox.

Anyway, the others we're correct that you have to claim them manually once the "claim" option appears.

As far as being part of the network (revenue wise)... once YouTube switches you over to Fullscreen/Creator X. Usually, that's 7 days or less from when you complete the contract and any final requirements.

Hope that helps!
So to know when I should start displaying ads on my videos, is there anything else that indicates I have been switched over to the network revenue wise. Or just when the "monetize" tab changes to the "claim" tab?
Once your other partner functions show up. (it all happens at the same time I believe... banner, custom thumbnails, "claim" option, etc)
Hey, what are your general requirements? I am pretty keen to join you guys, so I am just wondering :D
It's a mix of things and there's a whole list to be checked after applying. (no copyright strikes, consistency, etc, etc)

Metrics wise... the apply button will appear on VidStatsX based on one of several criteria and you're fairly close on more than one. (we don't disclose how we surface this because it can change at any time) Keep putting out your videos and asking for subscribes from your viewers and it shouldn't be long at all. :)
I just got accepted to join them last week. I was thinking of doing it simply to grow my channel because I would love to get my content to a wider audience. All I got was an email and no response back after they asked how old I was. Does anyone know how they pay out and what the next step is?
Unfortunately, the gmail account that handles submissions actually gets throttled by gmail for sending out too many emails sometimes. Unsure if that is related to the "no reply" thing, but could be.

Payments to partners are sent via PayPal only.

PM your username and I'll follow up with the CX Partner Manger. :) (keep in mind we can't reply to PMs here yet due to post restrictions) Also, our twitter is below if you want to shoot us a message there and follow so we can DM.

Hope that helps!