CramBoom, questions for you!

Sounds great, good questions!!! I'm not sure when this video will be done, but you can expect it in the near future!!!

Now that I look at it, this will probably be more than one video, so I have time to explain each question more.
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Sorry guys, had to cut down on the questions, many of them were already answered and I prefer to do less explained videos, unless I think of a very good way to explain it.

Why do people like music? I mean it's just a set of pitches of different frequencies of different sounds coming together into one song/number/piece/etc.

Why do we feel emotions?

Why do we want to get up and dance?
I will do this one, I couldn't find anything about it :)

Where is Old Zealand?
Zeeland (not Zealand) is a province in Holland, a coastal strip bordering Belgium. It contains a number of islands and about half of its area is water - hence the name, meaning sea-land.

How New Zealand got its name: In 1642 the Dutch seafarer Abel Tasman became the first European to discover New Zealand, which he named 'Staten Landt' on his maps, thinking it was an island off Chile sighted in 1616. When it was realized that they were two different places, the Dutch mapmakers gave the archipelago the Latin name 'Nova Zeelandia' after the Dutch province. The Latin became the Dutch 'Nieuw Zeeland', which was in turn misspelled 'New Zealand' by the English explorer Captain James Cook.

Abel Tasman also discovered an island off Australia which he named Van Diemen's Land, but was later given the more appropriate name of Tasmania.

What's the meaning of stonehenge?
I would do this, but the topic has been beaten to death and I don't think I could present any unique information.

Could a zombie apocalypse happen? Ie is it possible for humans to turn into the traditional trope of a zombie?

I already did a Halloween Special too:

If a tree falls but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
I am definitely doing this one :)