Compilation Video

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Okay so today was the deadline I set for people to get back to me by. Here are the people who have messaged me back; tach18, AlbeeWanKenobi, Th3StuffShow, Nytician, JostenDooley, and ZebraCloak. I'll give every one else until tonight to get back to me, otherwise we can get this started.
Thanks to everyone who got back to me, nice to know that you're keen. :)
Cheers guys
Okay so no-one new got back to me so we can get this thing started. I'm gunna try and get everyone who's interested/involved to come here and use this thread as the main means of communication.
As a first step, I would like everyone to post at least one idea for the video on here and give opinions about others' ideas. Thanks guys.
hmm what about a daily Vlog of someones life? such as how their place where they live differentiates compared to the main persons channel
Hi there, good to see people getting involved. I personally with be withdrawing myself from this I'm afraid (changing my YouTube persona), but I wish you luck getting it to work!
Hey everyone, I was wondering what you think would make a good promotional video for YTtalk, this video would be to promote the forums and would be downloadable by members to upload if they fancied helping the forums out. I was thinking of a forum collaboration where you would submit portions of video that I could use and edit it into the video in some way although I am not sure how I could make that work. Does anyone have any ideas because I dont just want to make the same as the one I currently have on my channel, it would be like repeating it even if it was slightly different or more in depth. Any input would be appreciated :)

Thank you.

Hey guys, since there haven't been many ideas thrown around yet, might I suggest this as our 'test video' and if it works then maybe we could go on and work on something else?
I am all for that, if you can ask everyone if they would be interested we can come together here in a conversation and sort things out :)
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