Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

Hi Tim! Thanks for starting this here--as a loyal subscriber to your channel and frequent poster to this forum, this is awesome. I'd like to address three things you have discussed at different parts of this thread.

1. Algorithms are not the issue! I completely agree with you on this. I have only 105 subscribers, and my channel is 9 months old. But since about November I have consistently gotten 30-40 views per day. Granted half of those are (still!) for the Ice Bucket Challenge (UGH), but the rest are spread out among different videos.

2. Answering your two self-reflective questions can take time. Be patient. I started knowing mainly that I wanted to showcase my weird sense of humor in talk-to-the-camera videos. I somehow assumed that my videos would appeal mostly to teenagers, particularly girls. (Don't ask me why.) As I look back on these 9 months, I see two things of interest. One, it took me about three or four months to really find my voice and understand what I like doing on my channel. It's odd because if you look at the video titles, you wouldn't know that I have evolved, but the content is more focused and shows a more internally consistent point of view. Second, it turns out that my audience is 75% male and largely in their 20s. I guess that's who finds me relatable, but I wouldn't have know that without the data.

3. Audience retention tells you a lot, but it's not everything. To a certain degree, my audience retention is poor--just under 30%. But remember, this represents an average, including many of those 30-40 daily people who find me by accident and click off me right away. My subscriber audience retention is over 60%. Moreover, while only 8-10 of my subscribers are consistently hyper-engaged, I am quite sure their retention is close 100%, as their Comments make clear.

I have no idea what my point is. Just adding thoughts to the mix!
Hey Tim, funny to see you over here right after we got in touch over at the /r/YouTubers subreddit. Makes sense you would be! Another helpful post from you, so thanks a ton!
Hey i really enjoyed reading your tips. I'm a new YouTuber and i just reached 10 subscribers!! WOOT! Now i can slowly increase my numbers through the tips you gave me. I appreciate it very much. One last thing, great videos on your channel! I watched a few...They are very helpful :)
before I even found this post, I watched your how to have a succesful channel video and that got me to start my channel haha. but yeah completely agree with what you said.
Hey i really enjoyed reading your tips. I'm a new YouTuber and i just reached 10 subscribers!! WOOT! Now i can slowly increase my numbers through the tips you gave me. I appreciate it very much. One last thing, great videos on your channel! I watched a few...They are very helpful :)
Congrats on 10 subscribers! Way to go, man! And you're welcome. Glad my channel is helpful for you. :)
When I get done with college within 8 Weeks or so, I need to rework my own branding at some point. It won't be my own branding specifically for Youtube, But more better branding for Twitch and a new Avatar for myself. I thought about reworking my own branding this spring because I thought it would be reasonable for me so I can have a fresh and distinct own look. For example, I want to go for a specific branding where I want to eliminate the pointless wall of texture and make it look feel simple to read. It easy for anyone to read. Another thing I want to rework on is my own Avatar where I didn't want my old avatar to look typically a thug, but more resembled like a survivor and a solider.

I thought about working on other big projects like a tutorial guide for playing Insurgency, but I thought I want to put that in hold because I want to spend most of my weekends streaming on Twitch. The irony here, is I have a more audience that keep following me on Twitch instead of subscribing to be on Youtube. Like, if you look directly at Twitch followers, it says over 30 users that are currently following me while on my Youtube channel, I have 15 Subscribers . Does this necessary mean that they want to watch my content most of the time? Not always, but users are free to tune in to my Youtube or Twitch channel. Whatever their heart desires. I could try to tell my audience on my Twitch channel to take a look on my Youtube channel, but I would probably wait for it. Beside, I don't think those number are going to matter to me that much, but I could always look elsewhere at some point once that time comes.
How would you answer these two questions?
  • Who specifically are your videos for?
  • Why do your videos matter? What difference do they make in someone's life?

Eeek! The million dollar questions everyone struggles to answer firmly or tries to avoid answering...including myself. These and "why someone should watch my channel over someone else's" or "in addition to someone else's with similar content". But I'm working to figure this out everyday :bookworm2:
Just subscribed to your channel a few days ago in the hope of picking up some tips to better improve my channel/branding. Awesome to see you hear too, love all the hints.

Although the stories about growing so quickly and even considering 1000 subs seems crazy to me as i'm still trying to get past the 100 mark. Still, 19 months and i'm still loving the challenge so in short - Thanks for the awesome tips!